I was completely right

With the new post by devs talking about balance, I was completely right in my assessment of the game. The fact that it took them 1/2 a year to realize, when I have been back for 2 months from a 5 year hiatus, is pretty funny though.

They specifically mentioned 4 things I have been hyper-critical of. 1) Board wipes being far too effective. 2) Reno being being an 'I win" card. 3) How horribly noninteractive the meta has become with combos/removal. 4) Power creep has gone too far.

Anyone who has played CCGs for long enough know what feels awful and what feels fair in a card game. Cards like Reno would be bad for pretty much any card game. As I have said, board wipes are healthy for games. But, board wipes that then flip the table and tell your opponent they are not allowed to play the game are bad.

The fact that they seem to realize the game needs a nuke and massive scale back in power gives me hope for the health of the game. I hope they do a good job, because as it is, only a few classes are seeing much play.


I agree with everything except this. There have never been more classes viable on the ladder. As usual, balancing the game will produce the rock-paper-scissor dynamic between a few decks, and that’s not something most people enjoy.

Obviously, this is how it looks on the mid to high legend ladder. What it looks like in lower ranks is not my problem. They all have access to the same sources of knowledge to fix that problem as I do.


I agree i saw a mixture of almost every class today on ladder today


Hahaha, you are kidding, right? They have been talking about powercreep and about lowering the power curve of cards like 2 years before. And we have one of the most frustrating and uninteractive metas ever. Solitaire is the name of the game.

It is POSSIBLE that the patch will hit some power outliers but let’s not kid ourselves the game has been broken for months if not for years so to fix it they would need to do a total reset and we know they can’t do that.


I have been gone for 5 years. I came back just over a month ago. The power creep between these two times has been jarring.

  1. Just because a dev agrees with you, doesn’t make you right.

  2. I predict that within two weeks of the balance changes you’ll be back here complaining. It might not even take that long.

We will see. If they do a terrible job, maybe. But, I hope we get more interactive gameplay.


Pretty sure in this area, it would.

After all, only addicts disagree with the company are are still here…at least according to someone.

So, either you disagree with the devs…or your forum ghost is posting here.

And I predict you’ll be complaining about someone complaining.

Oh wow, someone predicted complaints about a game that’s having issues!

I also predict there will be conflict in the middle east!

That’s not seeing into the future, that’s pattern recognition.

It is also funny because I was gone for 5 years. The game was getting into a place I did not like, so I left. I have played CCGs for almost 30 years, some at a competitive level. I believe I have a decent insight into CCGs. I let my voice be heard on the forums in hope a game I used to love gets better. Seems the devs agree at least somewhat.

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I agree with the topic and the points made, but could you tell us ONE MORE TIME how long you were gone, please? I think if you repeat it a few more times, it may finally click for me.


felt the need to troll someone for pointing out something a number of people on the thread seem to be oblivious of. Especially in response to the fact that said people were referring to information that was taking place WHILE op was gone.

Aside from the op (which, big surprise, background is generally given in one of those…oh noes, the horror!), a grand total of ONE of those wasn’t a direct “in case you missed it.” Apparently, that warranted a troll post.

Then topping off the needless trolling with an insincere “apology.”

As you pointed out, time will tell.

I have him blocked and muted from previous interactions. Only reason I know he posted is because you quoted him.

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Who cares what they say as it will change nothing this I can tell you right now.

Their problem is lack of any actual forsight and ability to test their own creations.

I HATE how this game is all about board wipes now, but you can’t fix that without nerfing every board wipe card and or removing them which they will never do.

Reno could be fixed by him also deleting their board as well as yours.

Yes this has become one of the most non interactive metas ever. BORING

The game is so bad right now it takes massive will power just to log in and try to get the dailies and weeklies done.

This guy gets it.

Also, this.

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Yes, the exact shock i felt as well.
They disgustingly power-creeped this game. No wonder we’re in this point were we have OTKs turn 5.

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You can OTK on t4 with the dream draw. Even with a dream draw a t4 from hand kill should not be possible in the standard format.


You have the delusion it took them 6 months to realize; I don’t buy it; they knew very well what they were doing.

If they didn’t know what they were doing that makes them dumber than the avg player and I don’t buy that at all.

What actually happens: they try to make it on purpose “exciting” by producing sudden imbalances (“OP” on purpose); I’ve been seeing that since Activision-era World of Warcraft at least; I think it’s self-destructive because even if they see short-term profits with the practice I’m pretty sure in the long-term tons of people leave their games PERMANENTLY because they are fed up with that.

To be fair, you and me both remember the times when it was possible to out-aggro someone with mech shaman, pirate warrior or similar nonsense and finish turn 4, don’t we?

So it’s not unprecedented that it should happen from time to time

There is a big difference between aggro not being disrupted and killing turn 4 and 30+ damage from hand on turn 4 though. While those aggressive minion decks could sometimes kill turn 4 it was because the opponent did not play early game. This just comes completely from hand the turn you die.

I see it as a direct analogy. Since OTK is not a deck archetype, but simply a deck’s win condition, and since Shaman finishes you off turn 6 on average, it’s reasonable to say Nature Shaman is an Aggro OTK deck and as an aggro deck it’s entitled to sometimes win turn 4, no matter its’ win con.

That’s not the issue from my point of view. It being uninteractive and having a 55+% winrate is what does it for me :smiley: