I think meta is in good spot personally

Sure there is some stuff id like to see addressed but for the most part the meta isnt that bad. Plenty of player agency, what ya all think?

As far as things id address, there are still some “i win” cards out there. Terrible experience for opposing olayer when they get hit with a turn 4 or 5 dungar, or turn three zilliax on a full board from aggro decks. Its like welp guess i lose, neeeeeeext


Please tell me this is a joke this feels worse then stormwind meta.

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Tbh the current meta is not as diverse as the meta was pre balance patch, but seeing new archetypes flourishing is a bit refreshing like starship rogue, trample hunter, libram paladin and asteroid shaman. If only they nerfed more cards and buff more draenei and starship the meta would probably way better.

Asteroid shaman… Ugh. That deck shouldn’t exist.


I have to agree playing against one feels boring.


The current meta is nowhere near as annoying as the meta weeks ago when Renathal was back in Standard.

Overall it’s OK. I just wish the majority of my matchups wouldn’t consist of Paladins.


Please elaborate on why ya think it is worse than stormwind.

I really liked stormwind, so it’s very easy to be worse than that.

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With the recent balance patch I actually find the standard ladder far more bearable. Also found that facing ele mage is much easier too.

I still agree that Asteroid Shaman should have seen some form of tweak, but I have been playing board heavy centric decks that absorb alot of the asteroid damage. I maybe lose to them every once in a few games due to poor draw.

I love so see people use Stormwind as a banner for a “bad meta” whens its one of the most played metas ever and often ranks top 3 best metas for a ton of players.

Ah Hearthstone, the game that will never make anyone happy lol.


It’s in the TOS.

“Anyone who shall play hearthstone will immediately be unhappy with said game. In perpetuity for the remainder of their days or for as long as Hearthstone servers are available.”

That has a lot to do with the fact it was a heavy OTK meta and Mozaki Mage was everywhere OTKing people on turn 4 and 5.

When Mage has a broken deck, half the player base tends to flock to it and play it bringing in tons of players.

It was an awful meta for anyone that dislikes OTK, especially OTK heavy metas.

A Mage’s paradise.

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The big popular deck for Mage in Stormwind was Quest Mage.
Mozaki from what i recall only saw play after they neutered the quest.

A quick search in vs reports will net Mozaki Mage at tier 3 for a bunch of reports in that time ,again i dont see the issue with that deck there.

Mozaki himself isnt even a Stormwind card.

There is indeed a focus on OTK decks in that expansion but its not Mage exclusive , and other classes were seeing also high play rates with said decks.

Besides the Druid quest that never toke off in play rate the others exploded in the meta.
That expansion made a lot of players happy not just Mages, reason why it sold as much as it did and made a ton of money for Blizzard.

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The quests were just way too strong. The Demon Seed being the most nerfed card ever IIRC, and it is still the most powerful deck in Wild despite all the nerfs.

The power level of UiS was so outrageous.



If you think It is so good play it alone. I’m out till next patch.

Doing some posts here and there but really don’t want even log in.

Get your armor up paradise all with 20 minute games all for yourself.

I loved Stormwind but more than that, I think the game has never been as fun as it was for me throughout that whole year. Barrens-Stormwing-Alterac is my personal peak hearthstone. Also I started playing during Barrens so obviously there’s novelty factor involved and I never played the previous metas.

But I am 100% sure the problems Hearthstone has today started with Sunken City and Colossals and all went steadily downhill from there. Dredge was an amazing keyword though.


Stormwind gave us tradeable that for me is the best keyword in this game.


I didn’t play from united in stormwind until the very end of wizhbang’s workshop (when I came back to the game) but I like some of the cards from the sunken city and castle nathria for rogue and would had loved to play in those metas, shaman is bonkers right now and it’s givng me flashbacks from old karazan tempo shaman. I did shiver at the memories of the original libram paladin but seems tamer now or the pipsi hybrid that it’s been a eare sight for me. I’m glad they tonned down mage in this couple recent balance patches.

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OP must actually be a bot in Gold 10

Meta decks just using one single card from latest expansion! : r/hearthstone

5300 on na, 9k eu and various levels of bronze through diamond on alts. But i am having fun with the starships and new carfs, but then again i rarely play the top level meta decks butdecks i enjoy playing, thiugh i will say last month i was playing bsm cause i enjoyed the deck and finished close to 1k

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