I stand twice in the leaderboard


this month I got an early Legend in Wild EU ladder. But looks like there happend some mistake on the leaderboard. My current Legend rank is 223 (page 9 on leaderboard). But there is also a Madisian on 227 (page 10). I have never seen another Madisian on leaderboard. Also often checking leaderboard and there was never another player with my name. So I think it’s a graphical issue. Please fix that!

Here the link to a screenshot (remove the star): h*ttps://hearthstone.blizzard.com/de-de/community/leaderboards?region=EU&leaderboardId=wild&seasonId=129&page=9

/edit: Now both names are on the same page. I got a screenshot for you (remove the star): h*ttps://www.etcg.de/images7/Madisian_display_error

edit2: This topic can be deleted. The other Madisian exists and I still can’t believe it: h*ttps://www.etcg.de/images7/Doppelg%C3%A4nger