I shouldnt be losing

It’s BS that I lose any of these matches. Whether I’m favored or not, I’m not here for anyones else’s entertainment. I log in to dk my quests and feek good about something but of COURSE theres no way I can just win a couple matches, is there? Always some kind of BS keeping me from what I want in this game and I’m sick and tired of it. No, I’m nkt going to uninstall and YES you have to read this crap from me because I’m allowed to ppst my opinion on things too.

This game exists for ME.

You all exist for MY ENTERTAINMENT.




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You are allowed to post. No reason for me to read.

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And yet here you are reading anyway.

You need the attention, and I have a few moments to spare.

HIGHLY recommend booting up some sort of streaming app while patternstone runs on your chosen device.

Just a rock paper scissors game with a built in customized AI handing out cards in typical sequence.

I logged in for the daily win 2.

Me Hunter Opponent Dragon Warrior.

Per usual rock paper succors I am off and running and Warrior being control swings the game and gets the win. How?

Well I had to trade - that might have been my one mistake on turn 3. My minion was damaged and Warrior had a typical card in hand - Execute. Warrior gained a free spell on 2, maybe it was execute. Warrior played gained 2 dragons twice. And then the typical get a billion armor so couldn’t put him away by midgame. And the board and cards in hand have swung.

Warrior had other typical cards: Warpath, the dragon on turn 5 does 1 dmg to all. Pattern stuff.

I had rock he had paper and the cards each class typically get plays out in a sequence 1 - 11 to the usual result.

But I am watching Netflix while patternstone does its thing. Maybe I will get Scissors this time vs my rock deck.

Not bad. 7/10. I chuckled and will definitely read your next one.

But more importantly:

How were you able to post a <20char reply?

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maybe get good? Idk.

To quote entitled mister moneybags, Seto Kaiba:
I never lose!
And then he proceeds to lose. Over and over.

Why don’t you boot up streaming device and prove your point? Oh wait, because empirical observations will actually disprove it.


I know that you can’t handle the game being skill-based (or it should be) but some of us wnjoy a good experience. I’m just sick of BS.

Don’t laugh at me.

All things considered, I should be able to play basic only cards and still win because of my skill, but the BS keeps me from doing that. I hate this game and I hate everyone that exists in the same universe as whoever made it. I’m going to KEEP playing this game until I win enough to satisfy myself though, because the hatred keeps me pumped throughout my day.

I feel like maybe what you need is some quality friends…

What I need is for you to get some more posts and lick more Blizzard boots.

Don’t worry, it’s gonna be ok :slightly_smiling_face:

When youre no longer on the forums, sure. People like you stifle the REAL feedback that should be on these forums. If someone has z gripe about the game, its valid. Even if that gripe is “I literally want to perform violent actions because of the shade of brown used on druid cards”, its valid. All you do is shut down discussion when in reality, hatred and vitriol is what keeps the world spinning.

The moment you stop fighting for your life is the moment you start dying. Keep that philosophy in mind.

Gonna have to agree to disagree on that one.

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Disagree all you want, you’re still worthless.

Hate and vitriol tend to make the world spin in the wrong direction, if anything.

We can begin building a statue of you, or a temple?

Whichever you prefer

Fighting for your life?

For some reason I doubt you know what it means to struggle and fight, just to survive.

Wasting energy on things, which are objectively less, or even unimportant, will get you, one day.