I never felt so angry about a bug

How is text annoying? How is text about limitation/functionality of the card useless? How niche is the scenario now that miniset has dropped? How does it affect you negatively for a card to be clear about doing what it says it does/is supposed to do?

Honestly I don’t know, tell me ?
Past iterations of “doubled stats” minions didn’t really make it to good decks.

If you never face minions with more than 50 health, there’s no use case for that text
If it doesn’t have a use case, it’s useless

You lose time and concentration reading and eluding useless text.
You always do that with cards that do not fit the current situation of the game. At least they have a purpose in other situations. That useless text doesn’t.
That’s annoying.

It doesn’t. As long as you don’t fill it with niche details that are not relevant 99% of the time, or with rules that are quite simple but take a lot of space to describe.
There are a lot of cards where you can argue that they are not 100% explicit on what they do. And you could make their text 5 times longer to perfectly describe the effect. Hearthstone wants to keep it simple, with text as effective as possible in the shortest way.

Don’t get me wrong I’m on the side of “it would be nice if they were doing something about it”. But rather than changing the text in unnecessary ways I gave earlier an example of a technical change that gets rid of the damage limitation without changing the card text and without allowing infinite loops. There’s more than what players can see to take in consideration

We live in the present going into the future, not the past.

If that was never the case, we wouldn’t be talking about it.

We should get rid of all useless text, then? There’s a few thousand examples we can fix according to you. Or, we could update one card. Which seems better?

Glad to have you on board.

Still geniuenly waiting for you to tell me. Ignoring the past is also ignoring the future. I can also throw premade proverbs when I don’t have better to provide.

When that happens 1 game out of thousands, it’s closer to reality to say it never happens, because a vast majority of players will never encounter it.

Because you think we should keep it ? What’s the point ?

Would you care to give examples ? Or do you just want to tear my words and make me say things I didn’t ?

A game that contains thousands of cards with exactly what they need and no useless text, or a game with thousands of cards with long explanations of detailled interactions and technical specificities… Yeah I wonder which one seems better

If you cared enough to read earlier replies you wouldn’t have needed me to confirm that, you would have known by yourself

I’m a bit lost here, how does you not accepting something make it a bug?