I need some help to get better at the game

i started playing hearthstone sometime in july and its been really fun for me and the game is intresting but i havent been really good at the game. i dont really know how to make a good deck and add in “synergy” because i just add in cards i think are good from a range of mana costs to make the deck costs balanced.(also im only rank 34 at the moment because i havent played against real players alot because i mostly just played solo adventures like the witchwood,which is really fun). and the class i use the most is warlock specifically because i got a certain card, archvillian rafam,from a pack and i think its op but the problem is i have a joke deck with it, a bunch of random cards and this one legendary (basically i just play the other minions in my deck to control the battlefield and maintain good amount of health until i draw or can play the archvillain rafam). most games i just depend on playing this one card and hoping for good other legendaries and its so rng dependent, practically no skill. how can i get better at deck building? (and at the game in general) and also how should i spend my gold? should i buy classic packs or get the expansion packs like witchwood,boomsday,etc or save for the upcoming saviors of uldam thing?
i’d really apperciate any tips (sorry if i was a bit to wordy)

You’re welcome to add me, I’m going to be playing a lot more again in a couple of days when Saviors drops. Loco1234#1317

I’m happy to help anyone who actually wants to improve

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Thank you i apperciate the help :slight_smile:

This will also be my first time seriously laddering in 3 months and I’ll be doing it with a new deck, so that should be interesting

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Is it ok if i can also ask about some other questions i have other than about decks?
also my battle tag is just Chris#113209

For sure mate, no worries

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thank you so much i really apperciate it

sensei Loco1234 ^.^!

to improve i suggest watching some streams of pros or see deck guides. to build a deck, net deck, it’ll save dust and gold. try sites like tempo storm for meta decks. good luck man!!

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Thank you for the advice!
but quick question what are wild sets/format and card rotations?
ive seen some old videos with a card bloodreaver guldan and when i try to see it in my crafting i cant find it. is it uncraftable anymore?

Gul’dan rotated out of standard format so now he can only be used in wild. Wild doesn’t have a rotation, all cards can be used.
After you’re in the crafting menu there’s a button in the bottom left that looks like a book. Click it and you should see an option to see all cards.
Also make sure you’re spelling his name right in the search. There’s an apostrophe in the middle.

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oh okay,
Thank you!!

Since you want to focus on Warlock wait for the new meta that comes with the Saviors of Uldum and look up top Warlock decks and build a budget version of it or just take notes on a certain play style (Aggro, Midrange, or Control) and build your own deck for it.

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Thank you for the help!

Wild sets are expansions and adventures older than 2 years. So you won’t find it in the default Standard filter. Also since you’re not at Rank 25 yet, Wild is locked to newer players until you reach Rank 25.

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I would also suggest finding a YouTuber or streamer that appeals to you and watch them play some matches in your downtime. Most usually talk through their plays and why.

Next would be to Google up some Warlock (since you like the class) decks and check out their dust price so you can craft one instead of waiting for cards.

Classic Packs are always good because they very rarely change whereas expansion sets rotate out every 2 years. Unless your Warlock deck requires a specific card from Witchwood, Boomsday or Rastakhan, I’d suggest not putting too much gold or money into these as they will be going out next April (still a ways off, but something to consider).

Lastly, players like Loco1234 can offer advice and watch you play to assess where you’re at.

Hope that helps, enjoy!


thank you for the tips!
but for the new expansion that came today would it be better to still continue buying classic packs or the new packs?

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Personally, I would focus on the current expansion. Tavern Brawl rewards a classic pack each week. I cannot recall when Tavern Brawl unlocks for new players, so not sure if you have access yet.

At the very least, it would be wise to get yourself 10ish packs of the new expansion so you get your first guaranteed Legendary.

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ok, thank you!
i have the tavern brawl but i dont play it to often

A little bit of both. Classic isn’t going anywhere at the end of the day. You could take your time getting those cards in between the newer expansion set cards.

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