Yay! After 10 years of playing off and on I made it to legend! I’m a f2p kinda guy, and I play very casually. I’ve been aware of this forum and how sad it can get at times, but I never let the negativity get to me. I just wanted to share my joy! I made it with a Plague deck, since Reno Warrior seemed to be so popular and it disrupted it very well! Don’t hate the game, play the game, and beat the meta! Good luck everyone!
Cheers mate!!!
Congratulations!!! Well played!
Congratulations! You earned it!
Congratulations man!
There is no feeling like your first time:)
Based and redpilled. People obsess with the same class and think Warrior is unbeatable (…PALADINS). Play what beats warrior or play warrior end of.
Congratulations, best of luck with all future seasons
Congratulations to you!
His life is fine. He had fun (and he may not even buy cards[he literally said he’s f2p]). You on the other hand wasting your time here personally attacking people on a game you don’t even play…
If you had read properly, they said they are f2p. which means they haven’t spend a dime. That said, who bit you this morning that you have to come out with such a sour response to someone you don’t know? Every post of yours or your alter ego, is nothing but negative bs. Go do something contstructive with your life please instead of trying to put down the good mood of others.
Congrats. Here’s hoping you make it next month as well.
Congratulations. The first time is the sweetest.
Congratulations! The first time is always something special.
Hey look Horus is trolling!
The OP said “I am free to play”
Horus: “How much money did you send to Blizzard”.
Horus is amazing in his own special way (special school bus way) and thinks Battlegrounds will be removed after Duels.
It is nice to see the forums have their very own Forrest Gump in Horus. Thanks Horus, keep 'em rolling!
But not Horus level cringe.
(I heard they call your father Forrest Gump…)
duels will be removed and NO healthy project cancels an entire mode unless it’s in a huge crisis, do 1600 immediate layoffs ordered by Microsoft make you think of a healthy project? Yes, I play f2p and whoever pays for me is crazy and there are thousands of posts from other users who think the same way not because the game is bad but because it is a big scam especially the arena, and I don’t pay for scams . However, I am extremely happy that in a forum that welcomes an area of millions of users like the US one my name is famous, this deserves a comgrats
I admit defeat. It was cringe. But it was correct in that the OP is fine and did something fine and no Horus can take that away from OP.
Congrats mate. Enjoy!

no one knows who you are
You never heard about Rambo?