I just returned, Whizbang gone

I last played when Witchwood, Doomsday and Rastakhan were in standard. I just got the sudden itch to play again after a view videos popped up on youtube. My first thought was to play Whizbang for some fun, I then realized he is wild. Rest in peace Whizbang and my motivation to play .-.
He should be a prime candidate for not going wild exclusive


Yes, you and many others have expressed disappointment about it.

It’s a massive mistake on Blizzard’s part.


I’m hoping he or something like him make it into the classic rework. Zayle’s static and highly subpar decks just weren’t a good replacement.


You can still play him in wild. I do that from time to time and still have fun with it. (But yes, he really should be moved to classic. Really sad they didn’t do it.)


Whizbang wasn’t really good for the game.

Gives a fake sense of actually getting a collection and stops players from learning.

Give players a free deck like they do now is healthier for the game.

I disagree. Whizbang had fun but sub par decks. At least for me, when I liked how one of them worked I would go and craft a better version. This meant having to get packs so I could get dust.

I don’t understand how it stops people from learning. I would think you learn more because you have to jump from deck to deck and strategy to strategy. You get a feel not just for how your favorite deck works but how a lot of the opponents you’ll be facing also work.


I have indeed noticed a few other threads on him since his transition to wild. I do think Blizzard have taken notice. We can only hope they feel inclined to eventually bring him back or provide us with something similar. He was already subpar in standard, gonna have near zero chance in wild, sadly

They may have noticed, but they explicitly said he would rotate and have never indicated that they would reconsider.

In that case I will be hoping against hope :sweat_smile:

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I think they should change some of the free decks, like the mage one, too much value for those legendaries but such a tease and a value player like me would probably jump on it, but I’d never be able to use the cards because I’d need like 15k more dust for highlander mage (this is something I wouldn’t know until it’s too late). This and straight out of the box you’re already forcing people into certain classes and certain classes will just become so overpopulated and even if the decks were so so evenly matched, because there is no balance in the free decks in terms of rarities or dust allocation.

Wizbang is somewhat playable in wild. I been lazy and just been playing Wizbang deck, and able to reach Gold 5 or Diamond 10 each month. I also see opponents play Wizbang, so I’m far from the only one using him in wild.

Yes bring it to standard