I just logged in and was offered a free deck?

I got a free deck from any class. Weird. I’ll take it though!

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Cool, good on you! Which deck did you choose?

Yea I took the Hunter one… but why did I get this?

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Probably a glitch that was supposed to pop up at expansion launch and never did.

Blizz felt bad for you when you faced the brewmaster denathrius druid…

so they decided to give you a free deck

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Same for me, two more friends also received their decks. And we are not returning players, we play everyday.

Took the Naga Priest since I dropped Pelagos recently and missed the Priestess.
I am bitter sweet happy because its clearly the bug. Free deck for everyone? Nah

Maybe they feel really really bad after Diablo Immortal…

Better dust everything before they take it back!


This happened to me too and I am not a returning player. I chose the DH deck and used the dust to craft some much needed legendaries that I have been wanting.

Hope Blizz doesn’t correct this mistake or I am in big doodoo.

If you haven’t played for a set amount of time (not clear how long but I think months) you will get a deck as a returning player. I did when I took a ~2yr hiatus (thanks to mind renderer illucia.)

I didn’t play for 10 minutes and they gave me one.

Might be related:

I wouldn’t be surprised if the fix they’ve rolled out has caused this somehow… Although, as usually, better communication would be apreciated.

PS Happened for me, too.

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