I got he foam render achievement (game story time)

You know the one one where you swing the same foam render like 6 times in one game?

Today’s “this doesn’t happen often cuz it’s so off meta” game. Felt good so I’m gonna post a game report/story of sorts. The foam render doesn’t appear until like the last 1/3rd of the game though.

Me excavate-ish DK deck thrown together to complete daily (I don’t have Helya or hero or CE or pit boss, only titan and chained guardian as azerite rat res targets)

Opponent is reno priest, extremely greedy with the location to steal your stuff and such.

His stealing isn’t too good here since the only really worthwhile thing to steal is my titan, while my pile of bones from excavates means it’s harder for him to keep me off the board.

So for like the first 2/3rds of the game I went mostly wide to chip him and bait out his removals.

I had plague cards but no helya, but thanks to good draws and discovering a couple more plague cards, I shuffled a lot of plagues manually into his deck, and they actually helped a lot.

Unholy plagues force him to use up clears
Blood plagues kept me from dying
Frost plagues mess with his curve
All 3 chip him some more, leaving him little room to actually put down threats of his own

I think I did a pretty good job forcing his hand, as he used up reno poof without my pile of bones on board, mean I can continue to pressure with little guys afterwards.

I kept my titan in hand, but then he ETC-> rat and pulled it! He used location to get a 1/1 copy of my titan and ate mine. Oh noes!

Though thankfully, I still had wide board, so I just killed off his 1/1 titan and kept chipping.

Because of the wide board, he drops his priest titan and summon 6 drop with taunt/lifesteal. Thankfully it was a dud (3/3). I had finished excavates once so I res my titan to eat his titan. Thanks for the 10 health and you cannot greed more!

But in all his greedy stealing ways, he had yogg. Steal my reborn+lifesteal DK titan. Again oh noes!

Here’s my risky move: I play the scourge while yogg is up. I was hoping for pit boss. No pit boss, but I got sylvanas. Should be good against yogg’s board wipe right?

He had sheriff barrelbrim and put my sylvanas on dormant. Oh noes again!

But I’m not totally out yet. This is where foam render comes in. I discovered it earlier. So his yogg dies as quick as his priest titan did. Thanks to all the corpses that have built up all game, I was able to swing this thing for basically the rest of the game, and get the achievement.

Guess he didn’t hard run viper, and he used ETC for rat. So he can’t stop me from swinging. Rest of his deck is probably focused on stealing and killing minions, so he had basically no threat of his own and can’t deal with my weapon. I just left his titan (originally my titan) alone for a couple of turns until my sylvanas woke up.

While she was dormant I happened to draw two nuke spells in hand (one is reap what you sow, which got copied by dryscale deputy btw, lucky). Normally you use it on opponent, but I use on my own sylvanas and steal back my titan. I used the titan ability and got another reap what you sow. This eventually helped me reach a second azerite rat.

He uses power chord synchronize on my titan (oh noes another time! the back and forth in this game was pretty epic)… BUT he didn’t eat it, because mine had reborn (he didn’t have mana left to kill off the reborn, which would have given me 3 abilities back). Instead, he uses sheriff location to put mine on dormant. He chose unholy rune for the taunts.

Except remember that exacavte I just said? Well I get to play azerite rat again, this time resummoning chained guardian, so I could run and kill his titan (the lifesteal was nice too). Foam render is great again killing the taunts so guardian can deal with titan.

And this is where he may have continued to misplay. He uses location to get 1/1 copy of my azerite rat. He plays it… it resummons yogg (yogg is 9, but dk titan is 8!). Yogg at that point isn’t too useful, since well he put my titan, the best target for yogg, dormant. His yogg made my minions attack each other, but whatever.

Again I ignore the yogg and killed everything else and go face with whatever’s left. Foam render go go go.

On his last turn, a couple plagues got drawn putting him in range of foam render. He had to spend his last turn healing.

Then it’s my turn, and it’s about time my titan woke up from dormant.

Now some of you might know this already, but the way titans are programmed in the game is that they basically have CHARGE. It’s how they’re able to use their ability right when you play them.

So while his healing might have put him above reaper range, it wasn’t enough when combined with a charging titan. GG.

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Grats on the achievement.

For the Record RRG Control DK is a real and competitive deck in the meta. Foamrender basically made the deck playable.