I cant open hearthstone without it saying this message

HS:NGRESULT DATA MIGRATION OR PLAYER ID ERROR:314:0 it says this message every time i open it wont let me get past the main loading screen


Yup, same here. I tried reinstalling, deleting battle.net folder, restarting, etc.

Same here too, I just installed the game after a couple years of not playing and it doesn’t do anything.

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Looks like tech support don’t care bout us. Haven’t played in a couple years and I come back to this…reminds me why I stopped playing I guess.

I havnt played in awhile and I was so excited to come back. Now I’m just upset itst not working and I’m not getting a answer anywhere on how to fix it.

Hey all,

Thank you for the reports. I will do my best to help investigate this matter. A few quick questions to help narrow this down:

  • Has anyone been able to test the issue on multiple devices? Such as a different computer, phone, or similar.
  • What operating system is the device you’re using? Version (such as windows 10 17763, Mac 10.14.4, etc) ID?

i cant test other devices but i’m on windows 8.1

  1. No
  2. Windows 10 17134

I will install it on my laptop within a few minutes. On my PC, the windows version is 10.0.17763

Okay cool, thanks y’all!

I did a bit of digging on my end and found that our dev team is already working on a fix for this. Thankfully this does mean troubleshooting should not be necessary.

We do not have any sort of ETA for the fix but we’re hoping it should be available soon. Hang tight!

Thank you very much!

I doubt it is still relevant, but it’s the same result on both my computers.

Same problem here on win 10 and mobile phone, pretty annoying considering I wanted to play the game again after a while, but I guess it’s not happening then.
Does “soon” mean a few hours or a few days ?

Thank you for the update.

It works now. Thanks

A post was split to a new topic: Tkn4grntd - Can’t Start Game