I cant get new quest

this is the second day in a row that i cant get new quest, i have 2 and a empty slot,i can rerrol but im not getting new quest since new expansion was realesed can someone check my account and see what happening? :S


I’m having the exact same issue

Same here, re-logging and switching regions hasn’t helped.

This would be the 6th or 7th report similar to Daily quest disappeared.

saaaaaaaame here, any ideas?

Same here, second day without new quest

Same here! I hope it can get be fixed in near future.

I’m having same issue, nothing helped.

Same problem, hope Blizzard takes notice

Same problem here, 3rd quest shows up at midnight, but had to log off before completing, and when logging on only 2 quest are in my book. This happened 2 nights in a row.

Same here. The second day with no new quest. :frowning:

Heeey so, the problem is gone, good job.
Unfortunately, no compensation for the trouble, at the moment.
Don’t get me wrong, I won’t die, especially since I played this game since it got out, BUT I lost at minimum 100 gold. One pack. Let me say, at the start of the expansion that’s not really inspiring to play.
As I was saying, though, not really too much of a problem, msybe they’ll do something in the next days, for now I’m just glad it was fixed.


same, i feel like my hype has gone…

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The problem is still there on my end. Had two quests and still can’t get a third so it’s definitely not fixed. Wish I could say I was surprised.

i would suggest, one of the quest slots is bugged due to missing legendary quest. try playing as if you have just two slots for dailies for a while, i.e. leave no more then one quest overnight.

Exact same issue too. My 3rd slot for quest was available but i didn’t get a quest. Though i free the 2nd slot now i have the quest. But still i should not be afraid of having only one slot free.

Have a look at this:

It might be resolved now… We will know for sure in the next few days I guess.