I can not seriously be the only one tired of discover stone?

MtG: Arena is a good game, no doubt. However, it is far in a way more complex than Hearthstone. The simplicity of Hearthstone is what draws many players to it.

As for discover, it isn’t a problem, and it adds more decision-making to gameplay.

Without elements of randomness, any CCG would become stale immediately.

I don’t know why you decided to revive this topic.

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Also MtG: lands.

Every CCG has a fair amount of randomness already, and it is called drawing. Discover mechanic pours too much more salt on the plate.

When a player is allowed to play a card that he/she does not even own, that is unfair.

I can appreciate how you feel about additional randomness. I’ll go back to my last comment and say that without randomness like discover (aside from card draw), the game would become stale very swiftly. Also consider, many players actually enjoy discover type effects. Their fun is just as important as yours.

I feel called out. I’ve been around since classic and Mage is still my only level 60 class. What that says about me…

Was a fun read.


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