I can not seriously be the only one tired of discover stone?

Losing a match that had no business being lost because my opponent randomly discovered 3 times in a row into an answer that doesn’t even exist in their deck is infuriating. It’s especially annoying against DK who, having a blood DK clear the board is fine since they’re based on control, but having them play 2+ SCOURGE’s they randomly got for 7 mana is not cool.

Mage randomly getting blizzard and solid allibi constantly (as if freeze mage wasn’t cancer)

How on earth does this game have a competitive scene?


Vizier got another player angry.


I’m over all the discover and especially when it involves getting cards from different classes or stealing copies of cards from the opponent.


Ya’ll need to just get over the discover hate because it clearly isn’t going anywhere. Also though it is miserable for you, for the player doing it digging for answers can be fun. And it is, I don’t buy that the discover haters dislike it when they discover something that changes the game. Not one bit.


It’s that there is just way too much of it now.

Control deck doesn’t mean discover and discover and discover, but that’s what they have made. That’s a comletley dumb and uninteresting game. It’s totally lazy and crappy.

There have been good control decks that don’t lean this hard into discover, and that should be the goal.

Oh, sure, let me just sit here and watch the rope burn as they play solitaire looking for outs discovering discovers to discover. Boring. Bad game play. A reason to stop playing.

… pretty sure the people that don’t like it don’t put much or any of it in their decks, though, so this is sort of a moot point.

But speaking only for my self, I don’t like to win because I got some lucky out that didn’t start in my deck.

I’m over here top decking the cards I put in my deck to win because I wanted those cards to win is not the same as “Oh, crap, that card right there is perfect! Thanks!”

Look we had Zephrys who had a defined pool of cards that did some good things, but weren’t the latest and greatest broken in the game. He also had the significant requirement to have no duplicate cards in your deck.

We now have decks that are basically a pool of Zephyrs that discovers whatever overpowered broken crap it can. It’s just not good game play.

They took this same strategy to battlegrounds and ruined that mode too… highroll or die.

I’m about ready to go play the new set of TFT and permanently tell HS and Blizzard to get bent if they can’t figure out what they want this game to be going forward in a productive way.


It’s funny to think about that the guy who shoved efficient discover neutrals in like every release for the rotation is a paid professional.

Like this is his career, designing cards in a mobile CCG. He puts it on his resume.

Please fire that guy Team 5.

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Dude if you’re handicapping yourself by not using discover when you can, that is 100% on you not Blizz. Don’t be a scrub. Use the tools given to you.


I am. I am using this forum to express my sentiments that there’s waay too much rng discover in this game.

So are drug dealers. The difference is this guy’s job is legal.


I mean in game tools. If you refuse to use discover it is your problem. Also complaining on a forum Blizz doesn’t take seriously or even moderate is a waste of your time.

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I don’t consider you a waste of my time, Frogman.


I understand Hazama liked the post, but I’m offended on his behalf. How dare you lower him to a mere human?


I find it dumb and dislike the discover evrthing in most decks now. Escpially dk being loaded with them.
Recently (few days ago) with frost dk i was using for knocking out few quests at the same time vs other (unholy) dk i was behind /on backfoot entire game then discovered a vizier of amalgam that gave me the scourge and i won instantly thanks to pure rng.

That wasnt a fun/intresting or wow how crazy moment at all , i found it dumb/stupid and how people are so OK with these kinda things.

He aslo required you to KNOW the card, and how to get it, use your mana/cards in hand or atack first or not depending on what you want.
atleast when he wasnt broken and offering wrong stuff totally, which happend quite a few times early on atleast


And that’s why nobody ever complained about Zephyrs.

Nobody complained and wanted a nerf, right?



I’ve been tired of discover since Boomsday.

Only time I hate discover is in control priest mirrors. Granted all control mirrors are miserable. Tend to surrender those if there is no end in sight even if I am not losing. But discover as a mechanic itself? Love it. Fishing for answers is enjoyable to me. Helps new players too, lets them use cards they otherwise might not have. Also if you don’t get an obvious answer sometimes you have to use cards you never would typically. People overlook that aspect.


Many people really enjoy this aspect…

…so of course Neon hates it.


Just because some likes something doesn’t mean it’s right, good, needed or even legal.

This is not a justification for ANYTHING. I know in your crooked brain where equality only involves money this just whirrs right past you, but it’s the facts.

Many other people DON’T enjoy it and that’s not the point of balance according your own admission.

This is you having it both ways right here.

Discover sucks. It’s not a fun mechanic. Casinos are fun because you win actual money, not pixels.

But the issue, and the one you don’t seem to grasp, is that they are too invested in it and that’s just lazy design that doesn’t work.

I’m really annoyed that the new Demon Hunter minion with sap is so easily discoverable. The one weakness Relic Demon Hunter had was big minions because they couldn’t really clear them without their relic of extinction. Now they just discover that new 2/1 that saps your minion back to your hand. So annoying, relic DH is already broken enough

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he finds out people are having fun with something he doesnt like and loses his mind


Do you also enjoy beating children, kicking dogs, and drowning cats? Are those things also fun to you? Seems like people who play these degenerate copy decks would say that stuff was “fun” too as though it’s all okay as long as one person thinks whatever it is qualifies for them as “fun.”

Seriously, you guys can both get bent.

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