I bestow to you: HS Disruption

Oh no, the other guy ratted out my key win con. Whatever shall I do when I love building decks that rely on a single minion to win? Boo hoo.

All I am hearing is you have raised your MMR since it was released to the point that so many less(possibly none) misplay the card against you. Rat with-out Brann(double battlecry) doesn’t even seem worth much too me.

As for drawing “both” rats he could just as likely hit the forge card to add two to his hand or even get syncronize(Finale spell) to get a second copy after you cloned it he could have played theater for an extra copy he had like 7(maybe only 3 who is counting) chances to find a second rat not he drew his only way to have 2

You are a grown man typing that.

You are a grown man, crying about losing a single game of one of the most casual trading card games ever made.


A Paladin player’s opinion is of no value to anyone.
Go back to harassing Schyla.

I trust Schyla’s bully 100 times more than you…
The opinions of a quest mage defender is worth less than a 1 cent coin…

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How do you know if I play Quest Mage or not?
Do we know each other?

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Does this show me saying I play the deck, or is it just me talking about it?

Are you saying that you made a fuss without even playing the deck?
Well, another reason to not take you seriously…

I just liked a SgtCreamSoda post. I feel dirty.

I want to ironically agree with this, but I am concerned that people are being unironically bigoted and that it wouldn’t be appropriate.

The deck shouldn’t have been nerfed.

Um… ok. All combo decks are fair. And I’ve never bought into the “uninteractive” argument. You play the deck you have against the opponent you randomly get. Sometimes it’s a good matchup and sometimes it’s a bad one.

Yes. You are vulnerable to disruption and aggro. That’s part of the game. You mitigate your weakness the best you can.

In very specific situations like what you experienced, it can be frustrating. But I still say that it’s part of what keeps combo decks in check.

When you have only one or two win condition cards that are vulnerable to being sniped with the Rat or burned with mill cards.

Because the cards in your deck, other than Artificer, are all really good targets for the Rat. I’ve definitely seen an opponent Rat out my Fanottem on turn 2 or 3. I followed up with Forge of Wills and he was very sad.

Ok, but there was still a pretty significant chance to get burned. You only had 3 minions protecting Sif for the first Rat and only 2 protecting him for the second. Look, I get it. It sucks. But it doesn’t happen every game. Get back in there and win the next match.

Yes… that was pretty unlucky for you, drawing the Rat and also the ETC to get the other Rat. If not for that turn of really back luck, you’d probably have won the match. Oh well. Just queue into another match.


That’s an outlier, not supposed to happen, you whiffed your mulligan and got rewarded for a bad play/bad luck

It’s true that dirty rat’s downside is almost non-existant in today’s meta

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Someone didn’t play MtG during vanila BR decks :slight_smile: Disruption is a valid win condition in card games and always has been. If anything - there isn’t playable disruption in HS.

Remind me, are there restrictions on the amount of win conditions you can include in MTG like in HS, or are you allowed to have 4 copies of each in every deck?

Literally comparing apples with oranges your argument.

Who cares if you yoinked an 8/8 with a battlecry (however scary that battlecry may be) to the board? If you’re fighting a highlander chances are they wasted at least 4 different slots on “return minion to your hand” cards, most likely originally planned to be used on Reno Jackson cause highlanders have no brain beyond spamming what they think annoys the opponent the most as a strat. So unless half your deck is 1 cost malygos polymorph don’t bother with suicide rat at all just use plaguespreaders you’ll get the same amount of enjoyment- and survivability as you would have if you decided you DIDN’T wanted to see Phantoem turn 3

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this is why Mage mains are so pathetic and cringe, btw


Lol spot on

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mfw OP has only 1 path to victory then complains about it getting countered
