I am not seeing any casual players anymore

Yea the new system is pretty bad can’t play some casual players in wild if you are legend in standard. I prefer the old system you got matched against people of your current ranking.

And casual should be just random.

We need guilds in Hearthstone I think.
Casual guild
Murloc guild
Rusted Legion guild
It’s possible to make a topic on the forum and a web page for a new group. Then share your Battle.net tag with the organizer to join the guild. I’m not sure if I’d want to spend that much time on it in this game.

what do you mean by ‘casual player’?

People playing off-meta or jank decks.

okay thanks - that’s why i was confused. since when are off-meta/jank decks the realm of casual players? i play those all the time when i’m tired of tryharding. i think they should have a true casual mode though where you can’t play meta decks at all :smile:

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It’s not that those players themselves are 100% Casual, gotta flip your perspective to the OP’s side.

If I’m playing nonmeta/homebrew/jank decks and all I run into anywhere are metadecks, it appears as though no one is wanting to play “casually” except for me.

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nah - still doesn’t make sense. they have a mode that you can play against guaranteed jank decks and that’s arena. if you just want to throw together some meme deck, not sure why you would call that, ‘casual,’ more like ‘meme mode’. casual just means not ranked, it doesn’t mean ‘play dumb stuff that isn’t going to work in any sort of competitive mode,’.

So if I absolutely tank my MMR for the rest of this month, there is only so far they will let it fall? Right now I am consistently matched up against the top legendary players, people who stream, in that level range. Keep in mind I have never even hit rank 2 and only hit rank 3 a few times.

I was thinking about making a suicide warlock deck and conceding 5 games in a row then suicide losing fast 5 games in a row. I figure I could hit trash tier MMR levels by next months reset.

I guess what you are saying is that it will only let me go so far down? I have been reading tons of threads on reddit from people who struggled to hit rank 10 making legend by the middle of this month using T3 decks. That makes me think the MMR system is like a bucket and they are matched with people who basically suck. But it sounds like what you are saying is that I am screwed and can’t even tank my MMR?

I’ve got to diamond 5 and now I’m really bored. Don’t have the motivation to push for legend either.

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Everyone posting about ranked play is missing the point here. Anyone in ranked above 15 and I’d even say 20 is not playing casually no matter what you think. People calling things like evolve shaman and off-meta decks casual aren’t casual.

There used to be people that really played casually. Basic and Classic cards with a smattering of other cards they had collected thrown in the mix. There was no cohesive theme to these decks. No as people like to say “win conditions”. I wouldn’t even term these decks “jank”, they were “piles”.

Those players practically don’t exist any more. Forget about ranked as they never really existed there, even in Casual they don’t exist anymore. I run into one of them about every 15 games. Anyone that goes into Casual now with a pile is getting demolished by all of these new player and returning player preconstructed decks.

Casual doesn’t have to mean “objectively crappy”. I wouldn’t really call Cyclone Mage a meme deck, but it sure as he’ll isn’t very competitive right now. I’d consider it a fairly “casual” deck. Played for fun and to win (not necessarily via outlandish hilarious memes) but not up to snuff compared to tier 1-2 metadecks.

Well, blizzard is only making things worse at the moment … the gaming experience could hardly be more gruesome … if you don’t play a demon hunter … you won’t win a single game as a beginner. People are matched at rank 40 with their Starter Mage, Hunter etc. decks against Demon Hunter … and his starter deck is way too strong … no chance …

From the mmr faq:

My interpretation is you can only lose a set amount of mmr per season, so it might take some people a few to get theirs where it should be.

They also said mmr matching is only used in legend and while playing with a star multiplier. Not sure they have implemented that right, I see a LOT of diamond 5 bracket players facing legends, the vast majority of players wont have a multiplier at diamond 5.

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I haven’t played in weeks. I ranked up a bit, played a little casual at the start, but got sick of getting rolled by DH. I attempted to play last night and just kept getting res priest and DH. So I logged.

That’s just my experience and reasons. Not sure if that is a common sentiment.

I play almost exclusively homebrew decks but I think you would mistake me for a try hard if you saw me. The game has become very expensive and P2M (Pay to Meme)

Last expansion you might’ve seen a new OTK you hadn’t even heard of but right now I’m jamming tempo netdecks