I am handing out free wins in diamond today

Once you throw down Reno I concede, it is my form of protest against that worthless OP card that has become the CRUTCH of Hearthstone.


I’m playing in the d6 bracket right now! See you on ladder! :slight_smile:

I’m told if you just put Helya in your deck everyone playing Reno melts away instantly on turn four and you otk them.

Cannot confirm this, but that’s what they’re telling me in the nerf thread.

Paladin and Hunter, both of which are playing uninteractive brainless aggro decks, are the only ones who get hurt by Reno. Everyone else doesn’t care

Judging by your activity on the forum, you’re always a free win

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Well why on earth would I want to play more than 6-7 turns max? Why should decks be slow? People already complain about not having time to play, why not play aggro?

So if the opponent plays it for no effect other than to get the new HP. Do you also concede?