HS won't load past tavern doors on launch

I’m on the new MacBook Pro, and it has been running fine on the latest OS update. Issue started maybe two weeks ago. I haven’t been able to launch Hearthstone. The client won’t load past the tavern doors. I have tried reinstalling the game, deleting the HS folder as well as the blizzard folders etc. etc. all that stuff it says online. Some older posts from January on here that had the same issue but not resolved. Luckily I can play the game on my iPad. Please issue a fix for this problem since the online troubleshooting stuff doesn’t work.

The issue has been resolved for me by switching the region I launch the game in. However, when I switch back it still gives me the same problem. I found that the game won’t launch unless your Battle.net region matches the game region you want to play in. It has not been an issue before, so don’t know what happened. Hope this fixes the issue for other people with the same issue out there.