HS rigged? Matchmaking favoritism

Well this is one big conspiracy-blaming thread :dizzy_face:

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Shouldn’t be too much work involved, not that I’ve looked at the website in about 20 months, but it wasn’t complex last time I did.

if you really think its rigged, put chogall in your deck

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This is incredibly delusional. Can you put a fraction of the effort you put into these conspiracy theories into the more plausible chance you just had some bad luck and/or made some bad plays? Just for a second. I think you may surprised yourself AND find yourself getting better at the game.

A lot of it boils down to momentum and tilt, 2 sides of the same coin.


When you’re on a lucky streak, you feel unbeatable. You don’t doubt your choices, you don’t think too much, you just play and win. The sense of invincibility helps you play better and win more, until it’s shattered.


When momentum gets shattered, and you enter a bad streak, tilt comes. You may or may not start doubting your plays, but you definitely seem to always make the wrong choice and your opponent has every answer. At times it can even be funny, but most of the times it just seems unfair, rigged or like the whole world conspired for you to lose.

The more emotional of a person you are, the more impacted you are by both.

Also, yeah, science has proven that believing in conspiracy theories in thirties and later is highly correlated to extreme loneliness in adolescence.


So there’s that :slight_smile:


The nut cases have always existed. Now they just have an easy way to get their insane ideas onto a world wide platform.


Man, I’m actually getting nice, helpful, smart, optimistic replies to my post today. What are the ‘chances’ of that?

Depends on whose replies you read :smiley:

Mine are always helpful, smart and optimistic xD

“Nice” varies depending on the weather outside, time of day, losing streaks etc

Calling players “nut cases” is not allowed here.
They may not be right, but you have no business insulting them.

It’s a fact, not an insult

I also get insulted when they claim the game is rigged, because it implies that I’d be stupid enough to tryhard a rigged game

Why are you imitating scrotie and assuming a moderator role? Just report and move on


I wasn’t talking about the PLAYERS. I was talking about the flat earthers and such. Thanks for playing though. People that think the game is rigged are just biased in their opinion through limited play.


I don’t moderate. I just expect better from those who pretend that they are better.
Walk the Walk:)

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It looked a lot like moderation, to be honest

It’s OK though, I just got triggered by double standards, cuz it’s true that I’m honestly offended by people who think this is rigged, although I know it’s not their fault, they’re just built that way

Kindness costs nothing, and I know you are way better than that.
You are always nice to me, and I have been called everything but human on this forum:)

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That’s was rude and uncalled for

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I see what you did there

Do you see what you did there?

:smile: :smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl:

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We have fun here. Lol

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Especially that I was given certain feedback and told I’m not a moderator when I tried to curb negativity around here. Now, I’ve come to embody it, apparently. They said I had no business telling others how to post. I wasn’t a hall monitor, they told me. Now, what do we have here?


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It’s a double standards thingy, nothing new xD

We keep each other in check, though, it’s all good, it’s how it’s supposed to be

Problem is when a reminder of how things work here isn’t enough

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He knows why it’s different. The acting ignorant is just that.

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