HS Replay, Premium

Hi guys, I’m considering splashing for the premium service , mainly for deck building purposes, would be very useful to know all the stats on individual cards etc BUT it costs money and I’m a tightwad!

Do any of you guys use this service, worth it? at $5 a month that’s $60/year , which is more than loose change, but you do get access to some interesting stats, just wondered what the general feedback was?

Thanks for any info.

Don’t own premium, don’t intend to. Definitely more info available, so maybe try it for a month and judge for yourself. There is no lock in contract or anything. Just my 2c

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If you are serious in the game and enjoy research, the money is like one coffee for the whole month.

And developers need money to survive.


I mean the service is fantastic, no complaints. I think it depends on how much you play ranked, when I was playing like 10-15 games a day, it was invaluable, now that I play like 2-3, there’s no point really getting all the info. Overall I’d recommend it if you’re serious about stats.

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That is a lot of money for what it is I think, I think it should be more like $10 a year personally. There are also other free sites that show similar stats for free, though the only downside I can see is that those sites only report like once a month so you don’t see the live stats. Either way I don’t think the metas change too much between reports. Unless you are making money off pro league? then maybe?

If I had $60 to splash out and I was very serious about my gaming I’d probably splash out on hardware (fancy keyboard, mouse, headset, dual monitor?). Better internet maybe?

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This month there is a lot of meta change…

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Justified and worth i? Heck yes.

Do you need it? I don’t know; only you can answer that.

The base site and the deck tracker are already amazing and they don’t ask any money for it while obviously putting in a lot of work into it. You can think of it as in addition to whatever premium services they offer.

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Not anymore. If you want meta info from higher than Gold tier you have to pay. Bronze to Gold data is mostly worthless.

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I’m not aware of their data details as I never used them myself but there is so much more than whatever data you’re talking about. I check the site all the time for other things.

I never tried to climb through (high) legend though - I just reach it consistently then meme around. Not bothered to.

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I’ve used it on and off for over a year and I always end up subscribing again. It’s worth it for me.

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I’m generally a curious person and enjoy data, so for the price of a cheap burger once a month it’s worth it to me.


Has the change taken effect already / when is it getting implemented?

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What change are you referring to?

If you mean the nerf patch, they already have ways to filter data back to the most recent balance patch, yeah.

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The changes to Premium, aren’t there coming any? Or did they up the price?

they got rid of the useless All Rank filter, that is the change.

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if they did I didn’t notice lol. Lemme check.

Ohhhhh now there’s a bundle that includes Tier 7 - their Battlegrounds data stuff. I don’t bother with BGs, so I just stick with the $4.99 subscription.


What I’m saying is that, if you don’t pay, you don’t get meaningful data to reflect what decks are actually powerful. Lekko linked an article explaining their change to information, but it says right in there that people who don’t pay don’t get the data for Platinum, Diamond, or Legend ranks.

The ranks with the good players. The ranks that changes first, and then the rest of the ladder slowly follows. So if you don’t pay, your information is always outdated. This is a recent change.

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Not really. All you had before was 20-Legend, which was often WAY off from what 5-L would show.

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Thanks for all the replies guys, I think I’m going to give it a try, I love me some stats!

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I tried it twice, wasn’t better than no premium for me.