HS has the smartest devs

But why would they do that?

See, that’s the kinda of statement that only makes Sense If you don’t think about It.

How would they classify less skilled players? How would they separate those from High skill players trying new decks? High Skill players theorycrafting decks? People throwing games for quests?

How would they Go about weighting games? Using metadeck data? What about homebrews? What about alterations?

Do you think they have a list of possible easier to beat decks and harder to beat decks and match you against that in less than 15 seconds everytime?

Can you even wrap your Head around ALL the moving parts there: Your deck, enemy deck, possible Discovers on both sides, draw RNG, proeficiency level for both players, other RNG like bomb draw order, missplays, Card playing order, micromanaging of recourses on both sides and more?
It’s an absolutely monumental undertaking for no certain reward that is somehow both undetectable and self evident, and yet somehow Legend Players will get there with over 70% winrate, and 95%+ of people never got to legend, even with “weighted” games

If that does not make Sense to you, it’s simply cause It really does not for anybody.
Occam’s Razor dictates that it would be obvious that letting the ladder do it’s own thing would be far prefferable.

Can you phrase this in a way that ISN’T insulting?
If Blizzard has the information that others say they do, then it seems possible that they could give more favorable matchups to players who lose more often. I don’t think what they are doing is biased ( if they are doing anything at all) but I have seen things in six years that make me question how random the matching truly is.

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In reality it is possible that they moderate win rate to be 50% and match you to counter decks when you are above 50%.

People act like it would take some magical algorithm but the facts are that sites like hsreplay already have decks sorted by winrate and have all sorts of stats and has programming that lists counters to each decks based on win rate data. It wouldn’t really be any more complicated than what hsreplay does to use data like that for matchmaking and i’m sure the devs have even better data then what hsreplay has…

I’m not saying they do this, all i’m just saying its not as hard to do as one might imagine.


You do realize that the minute that you start tinkering with matchmaking to force winrates, all these data you’re talking about become useless, right? How can you know to match decks based on counters if your data are already tainted by rigged matchmaking? Are you only rigging some matches? Are you only rigging matches after a certain point of meta stability?

Your “simple” process has more moving parts than you suggest.


Well if one person is perfectly counter that means that second person also perfectly wins every game. How do you explain that?

If, Blizzard doesn’t care about who is winning, why did they nerf Demon hunter?

I don’t see how data becomes useless just because it matches to a counter above 50% win rate. If a deck is good vs another deck it will win more often than not and only confirms the decks positive win rate vs the countered deck, it doesn’t invalidate the win rate.

Besides the fact that you can’t do that with novel decks, you mean? Or that under some circumstances, a deck can turn a bad matchup into a good (or even) one by swapping some cards around? Are you really going to have multiple matchup arrays set up for every variation of a deck that shows up in ladder?

Sure, rigging is not impossible. But the work necessary to set it up, maintain it, and keep other aspects of the game (like balance patches! How do you balance the game if your data are tainted?) is a lot bigger than people suggest here.


Hsreplay does so i don’t see why not. The amount of data they have is staggering and its not even the tip of the iceberg compared to what Blizzard probably keeps track of. Sure you can switch out a few cards but if 95% of your deck is still your typical meta deck then it can be matched accordingly if no further data is available.

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This is because unless you invite friend from list to play all opponent are blizzard bot design make you buy things by beat you very much. It all teh bots and blizzard rigged me loose to pay the monies.

(eyeroll so hard I fall over)


conspiricists? A conspiracist is one that supports a theory. As far as the rigged “theory” goes. Blizzard has acknowledged the roughly 50% WR. So… i wouldnt call that a theory. I would call that “fact”.

They have acknowledged that the goal of matchmakers is to make fair matches.

The way you nuts use it, to mean that they make you lose so you don’t rise in rank, is completely false.


Not quite. You left out the part where hundreds of blizzard employees are in on it and are actively engaged in intentional defrauding the player base. It honestly says more about you than about blizzard.

Never mind how bad it would be if they were caught. They wouldn’t risk all of there business for something that dumb.

You don’t understand how MMR works and the difference between an aspirational goal and hard stop.

Not to mention all of the third-party data aggregation sites, who are clearly also in cahoots by providing fake data.

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C’mon Mand, you can disagree without sinking to this…

I can, but I’m choosing not to. I’ve lost patience.


They cant even give shaman a playable 1 and 2 drop after 5 years.

As an aside, I have lost patience for this nonsense as well. It’s pervasive atm, and I mean outside of HS as well as inside. The lack of critical thinking and the willingness of so many to accept conspiracy that is prima facie laughably false.

Further, the disrespect and denigration of expert knowledge is downright frightening. To think that some grasshat who watched a russion bot funded podcast would be more suited to offer advice than someone with advanced education and 30 years experience in their specialty is insanity.

/end rant

Anyway, lol. Sorry I had a fight at your black panther party.

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Technically it does try to force 50% winrates on players so a really bad player over time will see an increase in winrate. Not because the match maker is fixing specific deck matchups, but it’s lowering the hidden mmr of the player till he reaches the skill bracket that gives him 50% winrate.

Fixing matchups based on deck archetypes is possible, but it’s ridiculously expensive and takes a lot of man power to keep up. It’s not really something you can automate as well because as soon as you start fixing even something like 10% of matches it skews the data meaning you can fix matches based on deck matchup winrates anymore.

Same issue with the fake moon landing conspiracy. More expensive to fake it then do the real thing. Also, like why would they do it in the first place…

You do realize that the point of this is to make the competition more ‘fair’ (50/50), right ? Ever see tournaments? Players bring decks to counter the other players’ decks. Here the system is doing just that.