How Tradeable works? Does it Shuffle the deck?

Does someone know how this works? Because it is important to know it, now that we have all this Dredge stuff.

In a “real life TCG” you would need to shuffle the deck, in order to make something like “Tradeable” work (because when you put a card in your deck “manually”, then it is not random, so you would need to shuffle and make it random).

By intuition I would think that Trading shuffles your deck, because it is how it would work in real life… But this is not real life and in the description of Tradeable “shuffling” is not mentioned while other cards clearly state it.

So any clue of how this works???

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I have no real clue though i’m certain others here do.

I think it shuffles, but that’s not a 100% info

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You could test it with Polkelt. Play Polkelt and then do a trade and see if things remain in order.

I’d also be curious about the “put a card on the bottom” effect, which will come into play frequently with Sunken City. You could probably test that with Sphere of Sapience.


yeah i wondered about this one too.

I was watching Kibler test this. I only watched a single game, so this isn’t conclusive, but it seemed that Tradeable does not shuffle. A deck that was stacked by Lorekeeper Polkelt remained stacked for two cards even after a card was Traded, and the third card was the Traded card. It would seem that, instead of shuffling, Trading a card inserts it at a random position in the deck.


When the text tells us where the card is placed (on the top, or on the bottom), it doesn’t shuffle. I already tested it with the sphere.

When it’s not specified, I think it shuffles.


That’s fascinating, and good on Brian for testing this.

After drawing, the Tradeable card is shuffled into your deck.

Thats is what the wiki says at least, might go and check this myself real quick

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Glad you posted this. I have never bothered to read it until now, lol.

I dont have Polket to try it my self.

This makes sense too. And it is better for all the Dredge mechanics. Sometimes the traded card might pop up at the bottom of your deck, but most of the time it will be irrelevant.

GOOD TO KNOW :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

Ok I just tested it against the inkeeper. Like Scrotie told us, tradeable does not shuffle the deck. The card is just placed in a random spot in the deck. So in case of polkelt, you’ll just draw cards in order unless a tradeable card has been placed there.


That’s how it used to work.

They changed it in Patch 22.2 to no longer shuffle your deck:

  • [NEW] There was a slight tweak to how Tradeable functions under the hood, which could cause different behavior in certain situations. Tradeable now inserts the card into the deck at a random location, then draws a different card. (Previously, it was put on the bottom of the deck first, then the draw occurred, and then finally a shuffle happened.)



He says after I make a video :-p


You still have a 12/10 for effort.


yeah, good on ya for posting the video:)

Watched it anyway. And gave it a :+1:
