How to unlock mercenary mode?

My girlfriend downloaded Hearthstone for the first time because I had told her about the Sarge’s Tale mount for WoW that I acquired recently and I told her it was very quick and easy to unlock because it was for me. She however, doesn’t have access to the “modes” section on Hearthstone and therefore can’t access mercenaries to get the mount. The main screen “modes” button is instead replaced by a “solo adventures” button. How can she unlock mercenaries? I can’t find anything online about it at all. Your help is very much appreciated.

If you only care to get the mount, you should go to Options → Miscellaneous → Skip the apprentice raks.

I think this will replace the ‘solo adventures’ with ‘modes’.


Thank you!! That worked perfectly.


I’ve made a lot of accounts myself so I am aware of modes not being unlocked at the start.

I don’t quite remember the apprentice rank you need to reach (or if it’s a quest thing) but skipping the apprentice ranks should definitely unlock modes.

Be aware though that you will miss out on the free packs provided climbing the apprentice ranks, that’s why I said ‘if you only care for the mount’.

Good to know it worked though. :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:


Ok, thank you for the advice!