How to tell if you're facing a Blizzard Bot

I believe the point is to show what happened in the game without having to actually record a video of it yourself while you play. You probably could make something like it with a powerpoint if you wanted to, but I’m not sure why anyone would do that, and it wouldn’t have the hsreplay URL.

It’s hard to call it a conspiracy theory when I have it all recorded. lol, I was verbally annoyed every time I went up against a mindless bot, because its not possible to tweak a deck and perfect it when the bots are wasting your time with garbage decks and just playing cards to simply play something regardless of what you did. There’s zero challenge in it, total waste of time. I also logged them in excel, and I would go up against the same ones multiple times in an hour, I found it amusing though how the names were so Similar, like MightOwl, and Mightyelf, how original they were is making the names so different, lol. IT took about 6 hours before I started playing people in legend again with the deck, and the bots vanishing from my matchups.

Yes, when I swapped to a meta deck, I was matched up against other players in legend with meta decks.


Theman already showed proof that blizzard uses bots in ranked even at legend.

It’s not a conspiracy anymore. If you don’t know they exist, you haven’t done the research.

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I have a thought for these “poor” whales who still spend loads of money on this game to play against bots.


The prevalence of bots really puts a black mark on the game for me personally. It really makes me question putting more time, money and effort into it.

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How to tell if you’re facing hyperactive spammers posting the same stuff all over the forums… Facing BOTS in legend

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There are Blizzard sanctioned bots in legend, as far as we know.

If they are prevalent outside of legend, or even common, we don’t know. I personally never faced one of these. It’s just as possible they’ve been recently implemented in unknown numbers.

Don’t get your pants on twist just yet.

We do know. There are nothing but bots in classic. It’s well known. Check out reddit right now, there are lots of threads on that just today. We had conversations on this in other threads here proving it. Get learnt.

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Why are you people always so angry? If you reaaaaaly wanna stick up to Blizzard, quit the game. It’s far more effective a tactic.


We know there are bots in very low ranks in standard and in Legend in wild. We know those are Player bots.

We know Blizzard bots are remarkable by their lack of rank, capability of being added and VERY poor decks. They also may or may not only have automatic Blizzard names. We know they exist in ranked in legend. How many or if they are present in other ranks is unknown.

We don’t know much else other than that.

You are contradicting yourself. And who is “you people” that are “so angry”? That sounds like some deep seeded racism showing itself.

You said it was unknown outside of legend. You are wrong. Just take the L.

Those are 3 threads from within a day on reddit front page.

All I see in classic are bots. My point holds.

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I played a bunch of them in silver standard yesterday.

It sounds like you’ve noticed some unusual behavior while playing Hearthstone in the Legend rank. It’s possible that you may have encountered bots or fake players in the game, which can be frustrating for many players.

I haven’t done research, as this topic was never a concern of mine. It sounds like you have, though. Could you throw out some links, please?

As, a question for everybody: how can I distinguish a bot from a player? I haven’t run into any to my knowledge (yet very well, except for a few of those that hero power, or do nothing at all. What are the signs?


Edit: So, I am Googling “blizzard hearthstone bots,” but am not seeing any sources except for players making accusations here, on Reddit, and on YouTube (probably Twitter as well somewhere).

Edit: Another question. Is it illegal for Blizzard to add and/or ignore bots in their game so that they can claim more player activity than what’s real?


Did you read ANY of that?

I never said there was no bots. We know bots by players are a thing for almost a decade now.

Are you actually the speed-reading meme?

Yes. I’m looking at your lack of profile picture and generic name and attributing whatever characteristics you’re thinking on to it.

Let me put the keyword here for you:

You people who really wanna stick it up to Blizzard

I don’t have time right now to search the forums, but Theman made a post here no more than a month ago showing proof of a Blizzard bot. These bots are distinguishable from player bots because you cannot add those blizzard bots to your friendlist as they will not show up as a recent player. His post shows what it looks like.

Player bots are very recognizable once you understand what you’re looking for. There are 2 bots that I know of for sure that exist the pirate rogue and the even shaman in wild. The pirate rogue one I have never seen concede a match no matter what. There’s also a YouTube video recently done that shows someone interacting with the bot and how to break it. That video in my opinion is solid proof. He makes a claim, tests it with evidence and gets a result exactly as expected.

The shaman one will concede immediately after it ends its turn and it recognizes you have lethal. This is done so quickly each time Without Fail. End turn immediately the hero explodes. This is just One small thing the bot will do. There are other things like how it attacks, Highlights cards, etc. Once you fight the bot You’ll see the same thing every time.

I only see them in wild and I see them ALL the time. It’s honestly about 40% of my matches in legendary wild are bots. And I’m at 1k in wild.

For anyone who has doubts, come spectate me. I’ll predict how they interact and you’ll see them do it.


I remember that discussion and thought it was in this thread:

Not sure if the actual discussion was in another thread, or if something sus is going on with posts being removed…

And, yes, the evidence Theman gave was very solid.

E: found the thread Killuminati:

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BEE posted links … not as blizz’s i think but bots in gereral. ill take a pic next time i dont see a friend list.

Guys, “conspiracy” does NOT mean without evidence.

conspire verb
: to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or an act which becomes unlawful or wrongful as a result of the secret agreement
accused of conspiring to overthrow the government

Conspiracy is just the noun from of the verb.

Now, I understand the argument that it’s not secret if we know about it, but that argument can die a death. The point is the intent to keep it secret. Some conspiracies are real.

Which is fine, except that it has been pointed out, and more than once, too.

I understand that some of you people — at least those who are not chronically wasted and such — probably mean well, but I wish you didn’t feed all those attention-starved (and deficient) spammers and bump their multiple duplicate topics, lest these forums become even more of a ‘ridiculous’ dump than they sadly are.

I only point this out because moderation here seems… lacking, and the only thing the community could do in order to keep it somewhat tidy, apart from not littering in the first place, is to mark such duplicate topics, especially from a single author (it is understandable for someone to miss an older discussion once, so I would just direct them there and be cool with it, but this isn’t even the case here), as the spam that they obviously are and move on, which I would humbly suggest that you do.

I was only using the word to address those that are saying it’s a conspiracy theory based on there not being any evidence of it being true. I didn’t mean conspiracy theory in the literal/colloquial sense.

To put it plainly and restate it without the conspiracy word attached, botting absolutely occurs both on Blizzard’s end and the player base, with the player base botting being much more common than the former and with it happening more frequently than others likely believe.

The botting in Classic is pretty well known and is probably more rampant there. Honestly would not be shocked if 50% of all “players” there are bots. One needs only play Classic to Legend to see it. The botting in Wild is getting out of hand. Keeping track of my games alone in the 1500-900 legend rank, I see bots about 1 out of every 3 games. If it’s this high in legend, I can only imagine the rest of the ladder, especially with the bots purposefully losing in the lower brackets to remain there.

But make no mistake, the bots exist in top legend, and they are good. Not good in the sense the AI is good (it’s not shabby), but it’s good in the sense that the decks they use are so simple and so strong that it can win very easily. I’ve lost to them several times knowing they were bots but there was nothing I could do to stop what they were doing because of draw.