How to play around the algorithm

One of the things Iksar personally works on is Hearthstone’s MMR systems. He’s talked about them several times during his AMAs and other tweets.

So, it’s more likely he actually knows what he’s talking about.


We were also discussing diamond & legend mmr pairing, weren’t we ?

Dean literally said how ranked matchmaking works in my quote, is he wrong about that too in your opinion ?

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I still have some skepticism but I gotta admit that

What is the point OP’s strategy? He doesn’t make any claims. Will this prevent queueing into counters or something?

Are these losses not from of the algorithm? I’m very confused.

You’re correct, all losses are from the algorithm while wins are a direct manifestation of your raw skill and strategic nous.


“But losing makes people buy packs, team 5 would sure make me lose while all my wins are the results of my brilliant smart plays.”

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Curious then, the patent owned by blizzards parent company activision.

The patent in COD that puts people with handguns against snipers…

Then after losing said people will “with astonishing regularity” buy the sniper rifle in the game store… then they go back in and wouldnt you know it… they are facing people with handguns… for easy kills… to reward them psychologically for their purchase…

Interesting no?

The exact way you say it cant be… COULDNT BE…

Is what is defined in the patent itself.

Thats… exactly what it does.

That doesn’t mean they’re rigging it. The burden of proof must be provided by the accuser.

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Nah we’ll just stop playing as most others have and ms will make a change or 2 or not and meh doesnt matter really at all…

But I bet any random day of the week 6 months from now… several “people” will be here saying to someone new to the forums newfish…

“hahaha “insult” hahah they wouldnt do that…”

“they couldnt do that”

“no way bro”

But they already admitted they do it in another game?

“no way they would do it twice”


Not adding up frendo…

Well I have to say … It’s very hard to refute this random stream of consciousness.

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Luck is only a factor in a game to game basis. Overall, it evens out, so it goes right out of the equation.

And that’s true: most decks winrates won’t shoot up dramatically, but that’s because people are being matched against better players too.

While climbing, it’s not uncommon for good players playing aggro to achieve 70%- 75% win rates, which drop off when they face on par competition.

70% winrates in terms of Arena would translate to 7 wins average. That’s something about 50 people pull off a season.
75% winrates in terms of Arena would translate to 9 wins average. That’s something that maybe a single abnormally lucky person pulls off per season, or maybe no one at all.
66.66% winrates in terms of Arena would translate to 6 wins average. That’s not good enough to make the top 200 leaderboard for a season.

If you told me it’s “not uncommon” for good players playing strong decks to get 65-70% winrates while climbing, I’d go right along with that. Completely believable. But you’re exaggerating adding in that additional 5%. The difference between 70% winrate and 75% winrate is colossal.

Unless you’re just talking about Bronze through Gold in the last week of a month.

If you’d like to actually know what it does, you can read it. Because I know government websites are a pain to search, I made it easy for you.

I’ve read enough of it to know that, at a minimum, you’re oversimplifying. And you might just be flat out wrong. But I haven’t read the whole thing. You shouldn’t assume that a Kotaku journalist has the slightest idea what they’re talking about in their clickbait articles, even if it happens to align with your confirmation bias.

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Exactly. They purposefully do not state any specific claims. Just basic vagueness.


Here let me help you well poisoner…

The title… [How to play around the algorithm]

Just below that…

“You need 3 different decks ( cant be the same hero )”

"First you play any of them until you get a win then you switch to another deck and play , if you win you switch to another deck that you didnt play yet in last turn, if you lose at any point you play that deck until you win again always after you win you switch to a different deck.

This method is known and used by many top 100 streamers and can be seen on streams also, you never play the same deck next game if you win a game"

hmm seems pretty straightforward…
This is for juking something called the “algorithm”

Based on your long history of forum posts surely you came across this mysterious… “algorithm” right?

Or no…


Based on the fact it looks like you can read, answer the question I posed above:

What test can be done in attempt to falsify this claim?

The claim, as is, is completely unfalsifiable and there’s no way to test if this doesn’t work, because it doesn’t state what would prove it false.

So how about you chime in for the OP and tell us? Or do you not know how testing works?


We both know the op is suggesting a strategy for climbing the ladder and not getting hard countered as frequently.

As in, an intentional hard counter programmed into the game code… to make you lose.

Bypass this, as per the op… by using 3 decks instead of 1.

But you know all this.

Why didn’t you answer the question?

How do you prove this claim false? Maybe you don’t understand the meaning of what is being said, so I’ll say it as plainly as possible:

How will you know if it doesn’t work? Be specific.

EDIT: You see, what the OP is claiming, without outright saying it, is that if you win, you change decks because they believe the matchmaking system is purposefully trying to put you up against your counter deck.

So to prove this wrong, if I win, I should be able to change decks and NOT see a counter to my deck. They don’t want to say this outright because it’s easily provable false. But this is what they are hinting at.

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Why u leave parts out of convo and pretend not know…

weird its almost like you’re lying… lol

Notice you didn’t answer the question. At all.

You have no idea how to prove their claim false, because neither does anyone else. As stated, it’s unfalsifiable and therefor, an illogical argument.

Why is this so hard to understand?

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