How to improve protoss

Tone down whole zerg package, change the get three bonus effect guy for starships. Love the board clear and full health and armor gain of a starship launch.

Or buff protoss stuff big time.

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Lifesteal should be excluded, too much of a highroll and completely flips the game if you hit it.

For Protoss, I’d change some of the discount effects to affect Protoss cards rather than just spells or minions (Particularly Artanis) and I’d buff the location to 3 mana. The location is unplayable and as is should be cut from all Protoss decks except maybe mage.


I dont even run it in mage just to much up front mana

PSA: I just found out groovy cat doesn’t improve artanis.

Not sure if this is something we’d want, but I’ll just throw this out there


It’s a bug and there was already pronouncing on twitter that Will be fix in a Future patch.


Ooo then I might continue with this protoss druid deck I just threw together for daily, which just skip the whole photon cannon or any protoss minion. Just chrono boost to tutor and pylon into artanis ASAP, then go ham.

Rework Protoss Canon to: Deal 3 damage, reduce the cost of future protoss cards by (1).


That is actually a really really good idea, i would love to be able to go face and get discount still


is a bug we were told before mini set release they found it too late to fix before release

not even a week and people are alredy starting to make " nerf all the factions i dont like " threads

(im sure the ones asking for the 3 keyword nerf are the zerg players because it clears their boards)

Awh but did i specifically ask for nerfs? Suggested a nerf to two things or buff the protoss package. But didnt all out say nerf the stuff, honestly would rather protoss package gets buffed over nerfs

How to improve Protoss?

First wait out til the meta settles, so you know what you’re up against as a control deck.

Next, build the deck which survives the meta, with minimum of Protoss cards required for them to be your win con.


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Mog did you run artanis or maestra for rogue protoss? I could see that maestra Tess is going to be powerful combo as long as you do not overdraw and already have archon played before. I am trying that one myself but because I run oh manager, gear shift, elven minstrel and dubious purchase I always ended up fatiguing myself late game against deck with lifegains.
I am running a scuffed build since my only protoss minion I have rn is high templar. I ran it with Dorian to get copies of it with minis, and tutors. Early game I still have mixed results with either running tar slick fan or lucky comet metal detector. The purpose for both were mainly to provide board control/tempo for early game.

My current iteration is still awful though, but man the combo is definitely satisfying with double or quadruple archon. I also ran bounce around ft garona(it might be bad but I have to run it because I don’t have any other protoss piece save for 1 high templar).

I think I need to cut elven mistrel for another minion tutor spells but I do not know which card to utilize.

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Protoss is dangerously close to being too good though. The nerfs that are surely coming to Zerg and a few other decks will allow Protoss decks to take center stage.

Mage Protoss deck is just on the fence and a few nerfs away from being broken. Please do not buff it. Colossus is disgustingly strong.


I think a lot of people are playing the rogue kit wrong. I see people going for wombo combos and greeding out for later drops.

Really against all these zerg decks you want to play your templars out between turns 4 and 6 and just face race.

These aggro decks struggle to clear an 8/8 that pyroblasts them on turn 5 or 6 and they have to clear it or they die. You usually can clear token boards at the same time you get the 8/8 online


The issue is you have to play the templars for them to combine. They wont combine from being summoned. And you wont get additional discounts from the archon battlecry because tess wont repeat it

I did think that maestra might be slightly better with more hero card options, but the whole maestra tess thing is still too slow and clunky right now

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Kinda agree here.

If It had slighty stronger draw It would be overpowered today.
One thing i playing with is protoss orb mage.

Since the fanaticus didn’t attack instantly you can easy clear the board allowing they to hit face when summon together with the elementals.


It’s the reason I put bounce around feat garona but tess being at 7 mana makes it difficult to play it on curve, bounce around will guarantee to be 0 mana since you’d probably get free sandbox by Tess. I put oh manager to get more coins, but the hand sizes and the order of the minions that will get bounce back is not possible to figure that out.

Yeah, I think we’re about to hit a meta shift in the next day or two where more people are playing Mage Protoss. It needs refinement and the unrefined versions seem strong. It’s only a matter of time now.

I do put gorgonzormu for early tempo, if I have a good mulligan like being on turn 2 with prep oh manager gorgonzormu it’s guaranteed to get under Zerg deck since turn 3 cheese (3 3 drops)with tar slick prep fan could swing the tempo. The problem is I only have 1 protoss rogue card rn. So it still a scuffed deck pretty much. I still haven’t purchased the miniset yet. But I did get lucky and opened up grunty from live play hearthstone twitch packs

I feel better when I mentioned how good protoss was the other day. And it was Priest that was actually harder because they were copying discounts and stealing starship parts on top of their free cards.

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