How to access Witchwood Adventure?

So I’m new to Hearthstone, have only done the tutorial missions and unlocked all the classes. I’m sitting at Apprentice 39 but I don’t much care I just wanted to play the solo adventure stuff. So I saw on the store that Kobolds and Catacombs, Knights of the Frozen Throne, and Witchwood adventures were free so I claimed them (when I look it says I’ve claimed all 3). However, when i log into Hearthstone I have Kobolds and Catacombs as well as Knights of the Frozen Throne, but Witchwood Adventure is nowhere to be seen. Do I need to be at least bronze 10 to have it show up? It says I need to be Bronze 10 to access the cards but it says that for all 3 adventures and I can play the first 2 just fine. Is this a glitch? Has the game just not given me Witchwood Adventure or am I looking in the wrong place (solo adventures). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

As I got, you’re looking for “Witchwood” word in Solo Adventure section. But Witchwood is just a name of the expansion; solo adventure of Witchwood is called “Monster Hunt”

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Thank you for the clarification but I’m afraid it’s not there. I have practice, book of heroes, ashes of outland, galakrond’s awakening, tombs of terror, the dalaran heist, kobolds and catacombs, and the frozen throne. Did something go wrong when I tried to add it to my account? As I said I tried adding it again but it says I’ve already claimed it. I assume I need to file a ticket? Where can I do that?

I don’t know about any kind of tickets, I didn’t get any of them. I just claimed the needed adventures and they appeared just like they were meant to be.

Maybe you claimed them on your another account?) I don’t have any other idea why that can happen. And probably tech support can help here.

Double check that you claimed the adventure before taking out a support ticket.

Maybe there’s a glitch with KotFT and KaC. All three say that you need to be Bronze 10 to open them. If you reach Bronze 10 and still no Monster Hunt, then you should definitely post in Bug Report.

Witchwood was bugged. There’s a server-side update coming soon that’ll give you the Witchwood adventure. Good luck, you’re gonna need it.