How RNG based is this game?

I have only played aggro for the entire time i’ve played this game. I don’t know why but there you go. Anyway, is this game really all that skillful? It doesn’t really feel good to win off a Leeroy top deck at all. Just wondering if anyone else felt the same? Thanks in advance :slight_smile:!

aggro rely so much on top deck, top decking leeroy is just one of the reason that card is in the deck. Its called controlled RNG where you build a deck and mulligan to maximise your odds of doing a certain strategy.

I noticed that when you mentioned RNG, you didn’t bring up the more wonky card-generation or other random effects this games has to offer, but instead focused on topdecking.

Every CCG has beatdown decklists and every one of those relies on good topdecks, thus most Aggro decks have a lower curve to try and make every topdeck a good one, and that’s how they try to win matches.

If topdecking is what we’re focusing on for this topic, I’d reconsider whether you question the RNG-reliance of Hearthstone in particular, or the entire CCG genre as a whole.

Stacks of shuffled cards will always bring draw RNG to the table as an element of the game.

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If I don’t enjoy this style does control feel better? I was thinking control warrior :0

Depends on if you’re still okay dealing with an opponent utilizing that style and knowing they’ll still sometimes beat you, because that element will always always be in the game for some players.

One of the reasons some people say that Control or slower decks are “more skill based” (notice the quotes) is because they use their tools to drag matches out into either fatigue, or mid-late game value plays. If by the very nature of how their archetype works, their matches burn through more of their decks then that generally reduces the “feeling” of the impact that topdecks matter. After all, if I’m constantly sitting with 7+ cards in my hand and drawing more, that’s a broader range of plays/counterplays/decisions available, right?

That’s only really partially true, because getting to that point relied on you mulliganing just as hard as your opponent for the ideal cards to [accomplish what you want through the early game] so you can [transition to your mid-game plan] and follow that with [whatever your deck tries to do in the later stages on the match].

What you fill those blanks in with will depend upon what type of deck you’re playing, but being able to snowball minions, fill the board, wipe the board, selectively remove larger threats and draw cards, is all relative to you being able to draw into and/or topdeck those exact tools/threats/answers.

In short, yes. I would give Control Warrior a shot and see how you like it. Just expect that while your gameplan will be changing (hopefully to something that more adequately suits your personal playstyle) you will also be opening up weaknesses that you might not previously have had to some strategies, such a Summoner Mage’s gameplan.

For reference, all of this is coming from someone who prefere to play medium-to-slower decks and gets sick of playing outright Aggro very quickly.

Ty man that was super detailed! I just need mr boom himself then i can build the deck. I think my problem with aggro is that it depends too much on cards you draw without really that much control over what happens. Ty again.

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No problem, I feel the same way about the archetype.

Eff the positive winrate an Aggro deck might carry, the losses in-between those wins are ten times more tilting for me than when I lose with the decks that I prefer.

Best of luck!