How many 5 drops is to many?

As the title suggests, I got to pondering curve of decks, an the 5 drop slot.

This is a case I’d like strong feedback for. I find myself liking a variety of 5 drops, but it feels like 3 might be all you want in a control deck perhaps.

How do you value 5 drop minions an 5 drop spells? Help me out forum members

(see the replies on comparing mana curve)

I did not go into details. Just a rough observation.

I have a feeling the 5 mana (+/-) usually are where Tech cards or Removals are. Today’s design combines conditional removals with bodies and such thus may leave more options.

My guess is also Max at 3.

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Even with my greedy builds, 5 is the max in most cases. But, youre right, so many options at 5M makes choosing which ones a challenge.

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I know guys, how do we decide when 5 mana + is to much?

Like wild is at the stage I will only run 1 10 mana card in control. But the problem is 9 drops for Warlock is a solid 3 (RenoLock anyway) so it’s 4 max mana cards already. However 2 of those 9 can be cheated earlier.

This is why I’m trying to decide if Emp T an Mana sabers can be good to help high curves. Though if you play high curves late game, the obvious is cheap yet powerful control early game to allow your late game strat to take place.

But 5 mana is like hrmmm… This is that start of a “deadzone” imo.

So these cards have to be powerful an tech like Reaver said but what’s to many?

I’m looking an I have Skull, Zilliax, Healbot, an Loatheb. I removed Barista an yet I also sometimes want her back in an to even try Boompistol. But that’s just to many it feels. Especially in wild where if your hand is like a 5 drop, a 7 mana Godfrey an Mal’Ganis, its good fight.

If you guys had to pick in WILD, what are the most powerful 5 mana cards for Warlock to use?

Grim Patron



E: seriously man, you know me better than to ask for the “best” cards for any class…

That will require looking into 2 area,

  • deck build
  • meta (pocket)

Deck builders usually will build a deck with core pieces regardless of mana cost. The support cards fills in with some consideration of mana cost.

As such, the focus is rather on the fit of the specific card into a deck, over the concern of mana cost.

Using as example. Zilx and Healbot serves similar function as a heal, as such maybe be competing for previous deckslot. However, should the meta be more aggressive, then 2 would have be justifiable. Loab and Skull have very specific function that cannot be duplicate, thus, that will falls under consideration whether they falls under core cards or support.