You’re playing the most or second most toxic thing in the format, a deck that if you’re good at it you win by playing literal solitaire on turn three or four, and you’re complaining about the lack of “interesting” games?
This place is great.
Because of course you’d screw up your deck and then complain about the meta, lol.
Standards been a string of jokes ever since I made that shudderblock hagatha deck. Wild howevers had variety at least.
Seen 13 different fools who think bringing a deck recipe to wild with no changes is a good idea, lose to half of them because draw order said so. Have an actually interesting round against a shadow priest, followed by an almost interesting but dumb quest hunter. Stop to randomly get Harvester of Envy from a wild pack, only for my night to be concluded by an MC Blingtron skin I’m convinced is stalking me cause I’ve seen him every day running decks I’ve made earlier almost card for card. It’s never borning even for a minute.
And I stopped counting the Renehals long ago, but I’d say at least half of them had one.
I rotate which tools I assault wild with, between a Hagatha Murloc aggro deck a Dr Boom Mech bomb deck still in beta testing of course and the most Rafaam deck ever conceived but I’m still trying to make more interesting things. I may be a Zayle fanboy but I genuinely want a deck remniscent of each of the league of E.V.I.L members that’s actually good and all equally viable across the board. EXCEPT TOGGWAGGLE. I tried but I just can’t make him work! I’m marking him as officially dead as of Rise of dragons, he’s among the only casualties!
On that note I’ve got a “fun” Madame Lazul themed copy priest deck in the works, but it’s gonna make me have to break my golden rule of “don’t use Renehal and C’thun the shattered together” cuz priest honestly needed the extra hp and resources imo (and I’m testing someones overplanner idea)
Not satisfied. Working a full-time job really took a toll on me.
Done day 2 legend on both EU and NA. EU went smoothly (36 games, 61.11% winrate), but I tanked my MMR by lowrolling the last few days, so I got legend 500.
NA went terrible. I was so distracted that it took me 50 games to realize I’, playing BSM without Norgannon and mixologists. Needless to say, I wouldn’t recommend it to my worst enemy. Winrate was 35% and I had to pick up Pain lock to cruise into top 200 legend (371 now, somehow, lol, but I guess it could have been worse, since I didn’t even think I’ll be getting 11-stars for the last month).
EDIT: I just won a game and somehow went from 581 to 621 xDDDDD Oh the joys! I’ve been through a lot in my HS career, but this is unheard of.
EDIT 2: I entered legend EU as 154, lost til I dropped to 200 and somehow now I’m 600+ xD It seems as if people returned to play the game as summer has passed and school started. I’ll be expecting north of 70k legends per server this month.
Good luck with that as always.
Today I’m sweeping up all the story mode cardbacks that are capable of being gotten in a single afternoon.
Edit: Only ones I’m missing now are the two-err three roguelike stinkers, Kobolds Rakastan and Hard Tombs (takes a while to grind out treasure) You heard it here first folks, The Amazing Reno CAN kill Galakrond just as well as Rafaam can, both on and off script
My guess is that a bunch of people hit legend that were higher ranked while the game was going on, so it looks like you lost rank from the win. Your MMR still went up.
Wow. Hopefully you have more forum posts than games played, it would at least explain so much stupid crap in so few words.
It’s a tier 3 deck with mostly bad matchups. It’s not any more toxic than meta aggro vs combo, combo vs control or control vs aggro. Yeah, it has some easy matchups, like any meta-ish deck, but even its easy matchups can sometimes win, and that isn’t true for all decks. There are some significantly more one-sided deck pairings than Quest Lock vs Reno.
Solitaire? Are you insane? Compared to any combo deck that actually doesn’t play for board, doesn’t try to clear board, only relies on its speed, only plays card draws and tutors before their combo, Quest Lock is far from solitaire. It’s actually a balance of board clears, board treats like giants and horrors, completing your quest and managing your health and healing. Quest Lock has way more decision making than most aggro decks too: they only have a single super simple 3-4 turns ‘‘game plan’’, limited # of cards and often a single super obvious play for each turn.
Renathal is by far the best version of the deck for high legend. It doesn’t really hurt vs control, it doesn’t matter vs combo because you’re screwed either way, and it helps tremendously vs aggro. But you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about, so you have the right to be totally wrong.
Lol, that’s so stupid. Even if you ‘‘complete’’ your quest by turn 3, which is quite unlucky even with the 30 card deck, you still need to play a 5 mana 7-7 do nothing on turn 5 (yeah sure, in your crazy world all Warlocks constantly play Tamsin on 4 with coin XD), then you most likely need 2 more turns to have to mana to kill.
There are steps before the ‘‘just cycle mass production’’. Aggro is ‘‘just play high stats cheap minions and attack face’’, combo is ‘‘just play card draws and tutors then play your super simple otk on turn 5’’.
Yep, if you’re seeing ‘‘lol, turn 3 cycle mass production every game, easy win most matchups, Quest Lock tier 0 !1!!!’’, indeed. Your eyes and brain are probably tired after 3400 forum posts.