How is this fair?

Earlyer today I finally got to diamond 1 with 2 stars, right after that I lost 8 games in a row. Oke I fought back to diamond 2 with 3 stars and ofcourse I lost all my games after that putting my back to diamond 5.

this is just completely stupid.

Diamond to legend is like that. I did it once. I’m happy with having gotten my one free legendary and may never subject myself to that again. :slight_smile:

Always quit after you lose a couple. Or sooner if you feel yourself getting frustrated. Tilt is real.

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I am not even tilted, I am still quite relaxed. I understand that you can lose 4 or maybe 5 games in a row but I lost 11 just because my opponents were just highrolling every single turn

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Was there literally nothing you could have ever done differently? Traded differently? Lightning bolted face or a minion instead of vice versa? Held off on Brawl for a turn (or fired it off a turn earlier)? Gone face sooner or later? Etc.?

There are definitely unwinnable games but I’ve found that a lot of mine were lost because I made a mistake. Or at least might have been winnable if I’d played differently at one point or another.

Maybe your deck just isn’t suited to your pocket meta. For example: playing C’Thun and seeing lots of aggro demon hunters. If that’s the case, change it up or switch entirely.

ofcourse I made a couple of mistakes, everybody does. I was playing evolve shaman which I enjoy playing and is not that bad of a deck. the thing is when I build up a board against for example a warrior they brawl it or use something else to destroy everything, that’s is all how the game works so I build up another board and the warrior top decks another brawl to the point in which I am not able to build another board when he destroyed 4 of them already.

I also saw so many face hunters and agro DH’s which all of them were able to kill me on turn 5 or 6 no mather what I did to hold them back and how many times I cleared there board. they just draw everything again exactly what they need.

ahh well, maybe I will have a bit more luck next month

How is it unfair? You lost. That’s how it goes.

It’s because the matchmaking is rigged. After a win streak you get pitted against am unflavoured opponent and even your draws cam be rigged. There’s documentation out there in a patent proving so.

I went 10 games to D1 then a losing steak to D5 floor… With evolve Shaman. And 7 games in a row after my win streak I didn’t draw a weapon or custodian before turn 6…

Its part of Blizzards strategy to drive Microtransacrions. Its disgusting

That’s not to say you can’t or won’t hit legend you can and most likely will. But you need to play a metric f*ton of games until the matchmaking favours you.

I almost hit legend once but the deadline passed before I delivered lethal lol


D5-Legend can be made a heck of a grind, take a break (or play another mode) after a couple of losses in a row, so maybe the matchmaking resets itself.

I know how you feel i was diamond 1 then i went back to d 5 then back to d 2 then back down, and yeh man dont play when tilted you cant think clearly, instead of thinking abut how u can you can think about how unfair the game, also seeying our m is trust me ik xd we will get to legend hopefully soon :slight_smile:
Also seeying where you makes mistakes is hard when ur titled too.

That is literally how all ranked games go. More so when there is a game of chance. On average every deck has a percent chance to face a deck they will normally get beat by. Also there is a chance you or your opponent draws better cards.

Basically what you are hoping for is that your luck pushes you over 50%. A deck with a 51% win rate is considered a good deck. So if you loose 9 in a row shouldn’t feel bad if you win the next 11. That puts you at 55% win rate which is great.

Meaning it is much more so a grind to rank up.