How is Paladin's DK still not changed?

I know it’s probably not that big on the list of things so it makes sense that it hasn’t been talked about much and also WILD isn’t all that popular but Paladin’s DK combo is so insanely easy to pull off in WILD that it makes no sense nothing has been done about being able to just instakill someone with 0 chance for counterplay

what did you do for 10 turns?


It’s not that good.

Haven’t seen that deck in over 300 games in Wild.

Have you seen the stuff that’s actually good? And they haven’t even hinted at nerfing the actual good stuff.

Seriously, though. Paladin DK needing a nerf probably isn’t even in like the top 1000 of cards in Wild that would even be considered for a nerf.


I kinda figured which is why I said in my OP that i’m sure it’s not high on the list but it’s still an instawin that can be pulled off stupidly easy with no real counterplay to it except for (what i’m assuming the above mentioned person is thinking) playing a hyper aggro deck and there are ways to reliably pull it off without much trouble. I’ve done it myself and it’s crazy how easy it is.

The last time I got beaten by it, I think I got board wiped 3x and had him down to 8hp.

but I have only seen them pull it off 3x I the last 4-5 months, and as long as recognise it for the deck it is and don’t get unlucky its a win of me.

The Combo ist so easy to disrupt.

Reno Paladin is my Main Deck, and most of the time, i lose to Theotar, or constant pressure on the Board, so that you cant Play Uther Safe.

In the last Tempostorm Report it was in Tier 2, but i think, it’s still “only” a Tier 3 Deck.

Ist’s very hard to beat other Reno Decks.
Hyper aggro is ok.

Theotar, MutAnus, Dirty Rat. (Yes, therebis another Combopiece in ETC, but First, you have to Draw it in a 40 Card Deck with medium Carddraw).

Board Lock him (as Mage) so He cant Play the Combo).

Hyperaggro him or constant Pressure the Board.

Be faster with your Combo (Reno Paladin is soooo slow, when you don’t higroll).

Do you Know Dorian Druid with Charge or Toggwaggle?

THIS is an absolutely problematic Deck, because you have only 3-4 Turns time.

An OTK on Turn 10-15 in Wild is totally fine :wink: