How does Reno with Brann work?

I won’t categorize this as a Bug because maybe I am missing something. I don’t play the deck so I wouldn’t truly know but seeing someone play it I realized that Reno with active Brann does:
Clears → Change HP → Clears → Change HP

Now my problem is the Change HP part. Since it changes HP as if the card is casted twice then why doesn’t one get the 5 Armor twice, also? But only gets it once.

I think it’s just a bug. There’s isn’t really a good reason for the hero power to swap when the battlecry goes off for the 2nd time unless it’s incorrectly coded as part of the battlecry

It may be directly codded because the base hero power of the hero is the “thumbnail” one that just explains how it works.
I guess the base hero card would just switch to that hero power so they hid in the battlecry another effect to force it to change when played
Wheras the armor is implemented for each hero card so they didn’t need to hide it somewhere

Works for me. It’s one of those things I’ve noticed but doesn’t really affect anything since the HP is always swapping. Even if it is a bug, I wouldn’t prioritize fixing it

The removal part is a battlecry, so it removes it twice, but the armor gain part is not a part of the battlecry. The text under battlecry doesn’t mention armor, it comes with every hero card.

What about the HP change?
That’s what causes the confusion.

I dont understand the change HP part. It doesn’t change HP it just gives 5 armor

Say the first time it clears it changes to the ‘Deal 2. Get 4 Armor’. Then it does the animation again where it clears the board and changes to another. Like the ‘Deal 2. Summon a 3-cost minion’.

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Aaah I see. Yeah I never noticed that

If you ask me it shouldn’t do that, as it’s not a part of the battlecry

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