How do we know we aren't playing against bots

I agree.

Doesn’t mean idiots won’t do it.

You simply don’t know what you’re talking about then. I have experienced bots in wild all the way up to rank 1200 in wild. They do exist. You’ve already admitted before you don’t play that much there, so what area of expertise do you have that trumps mine?

Pirate Rogue is one of the best decks and it’s extremely easy to pilot. A trained monkey could probably do it, no doubt at all that bots are being used to pilot it. I’ve seen it first hand.

Oh I thought Blizzard was running them. My mistake

I am getting curious from people saying they are sure they have played against bots in diamond or legend rank. Is this because you feel they were bots or were there something about them that felt non-human?

I am a bit skeptical about these claims, ngl. We have all seen bots in Hearthstone in lower ranks, but these bots just rope their turns and press hero power. What some are claiming is that people run bots that fully play the game in a competitive manner to climb ranks more easily in as high as diamond and legend ranks. As far as I know, a bot is not an AI. You would need to program a bot to not only play whatever deck you are running specifically, but also to interact with your opponent to a certain extent. Seems a bit of a stretch to me. Some player may act weird for whatever reason: maybe they’re watching tv and not paying attention; but to claim some of the matches we play on diamond or legend are not real people seems kinda far-fetched to me.

Maybe I am wrong tho. I only play Standard so maybe this is a thing in Wild?

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I’ve heard others state that they do, and I cannot confirm it it’s Blizzard bots or not (how would I know?) But they have admitted their is bots in Mercenaries due to lack of players, so it makes sense. Just bot much like the Innkeeper.

But from the names I’ve seen, they don’t appear to be bot names I’d think Blizzard would use.

No, it’s because the bots act the same way, all the time.
#1) Bots hover their cursor in the same area the same time, same sequence.
#2) Bots I’ve seen will never concede, ever, no matter what the condition. This makes sense since they are maximizing play time.
3) Bots don’t emote
4) They will not accept friend request

I’ve been messing with the bots and purposefully giving them armor and healing them when they have no cards left in deck or to play. The Rogues will hero power and attack and just sit there and wait for your entire turn. It’s impossible to win but they sit there regardless.

I know these are bots to the point I am now toying with them. I have replays of them just sitting there taking fatigue each turn refusing to concede. It’s funny to play with them.

What, you went over to a friend’s house IRL and watched their bot rig for a bit?

Because otherwise I don’t think you saw what you think you saw.

Don’t be ignorant, you know what I meant. I have experienced the bots. It’s extremely easy to tell. They simply do not act like normal players do and they follow the same sequences a bot would follow.

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So does every last mobile phone player. Unless the screen is currently being tapped.

There are plenty of people that do this. My ex-wife played Hearthstone off and on for five months before I taught her where the Concede button even was. From her perspective you would have been extraordinarily bad mannered. She would BM you back the only way she knew how.

I never bothered to teach her emotes.

I’ll admit that behavior is pretty odd. I remain very skeptical but I will be on the lookout in case I ever see something that feels significantly non-human. Again, I don’t play wild tho so maybe this just doesn’t happen in Standard.

I do wish there were bots in standard dumpster legend tho. I want to reach top 1000 this month and I would appreciate the ez wins :smiley:

You have no idea what I’m talking about obviously.

No, not this consistent and not with the same deck.

I’ve been playing this game since it began. I’ve NEVER witnessed this type of behavior this consistently. It’s basically predictable.

If you doubt, come spectate my games when I play wild. I’ll do any test to the bots you want. Rope, fatigue them, etc. It will 100% be a Pirate Rogue playing the exact same deck.

I have absolutely no doubts and anyone here who has doubts, come spectate and see for yourself.

No robots here Beep Boop.

It’s extremely odd. I can count on my hands how many times I’ve ran into players in the last 8 years who continue to play (not leave the game) when they have no cards left in hand or deck and just take fatigue damage. Since I started playing wild again 2 months ago, I’ve ran into about 20 of those players and they are ALL the same deck - Pirate Rogue and they all do the same thing at the end of the game.

Not to mention, there are posts from other players with video showing the bots messing up from their perspective. The other person (bot) will take their entire turn hovering over their hero power off and on trying to activate it and the bot gets stuck in a loop. This isn’t a glitch where the opponent can’t act and leaves the game, this is the same looping pattern because they confused the program with some minion on board.

Ok, I have done a little research and you seem to be a 100% right. Not only the conversation about botting in wild with aggro decks is easy to find everywhere, I took just about a few minutes to find a forum where the specific scripts were being shared and discussed. In this example they apparently got to D8 with a pirate rogue bot. Seems like certain aggro decks in wild are so ez to play you can just script them and farm ranks afk.

Impressive, ngl. Sorry for doubting you. I am very skeptical by nature

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Yup, they are rampant in D10-Legend. This is because the Pirate Rogue deck is soooo good and easy to pilot, that if you just play 100 games you should be at D10 minimum, and these bots are running awhile I’d assume.

No need to apologize, I was skeptical as well. Everyone here knows I’m massively skeptical, but after seeing the things I’ve seen, watching other streamers run into the SAME issue against the SAME deck doing the SAME things, it’s enough to convince me without a shadow of a doubt. It’s way too consistent.

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That is pretty much exactly what I would have predicted myself.

But notice he says he got to D8. Not Legend. I predicted that too.

What I am calling Schyla out on is the claim that bots are a thing at Legend rank. Which is a position that your research (like mine) supports.

lol really? I see the same thing in D10 that I see in Legend ranks as well. The bot doesn’t just stop running once it hits Legend. It’s a good enough deck that I wouldn’t doubt if someone broke into top 200 with it. Remember, Wild ranks are significantly smaller in Legend than Standard. You hit Legend early and you’re basically top Legend instantly.

Right now if I hit Legend in wild I’d likely be in the 1400 range somewhere, whereas in standard I’d be in 7000 range. There’s not a lot of players in Legend in wild.

I’m curious why you think it’s not possible when we already know that a bot got #1 in Mercenaries. It’s not like Pirate Rogue is hard to pilot at all, it’s extremely simplistic and it’s one of the top decks.

Not to mention, it’s already well known that Classic is full of bots, with some people suggesting 90% of Legend in Classic is bots. Why do you think Wild is somehow immune?

By “Legend” I mean higher than D1. Low Legend, high Legend, doesn’t matter. And no matter how many players are in Diamond, the climb is the same length. And in D5-1 you need to get, at least for the span of 15 games or so, a winrate above 50% to make Legend. With a true winrate of 35%, there’s a 26.12% chance a bot can grind that out in 3000 games.

Even a bot can only play games so fast. And at the end of the month, back to square one. With a 35% winrate in Diamond, a bit has a 4% chance of getting from Diamond 5 to Legend within 6000 games. That’s one game every 7 minutes 12 seconds for a month.

The Pirate Rogue deck they use has a 71% win rate. You’re just assuming the bots are bad and that they can’t win with the deck. The deck is the most simplest minded deck in Wild, and it’s good.

It’s also the highest win rate deck in Legend ranks.

No. I’m basing this off evidence. Specifically, someone saying that their bot made it to Diamond 8. If a bot running for a significant period of time gets stuck there, it will make Legend maybe one month out of twelve if you run it for a year straight.

One recurring theme in my posts has been what I call “participation trophy ranks,” namely all ranks below Diamond 5. I don’t think you understand just how true that is. Bonus stars change everything.

I calculated in a previous post that a bot that plays 6000 games starting at Diamond 5 with a 35% winrate has a 4% chance of making Legend.

But a bot that plays 2000 games — one third as many — starting at Diamond 10 has a 62% chance of making Diamond 5 with that same 35% winrate. That is how much even two winstreak stars trivialize ladder climbing. They make it exponentially easier.

Bot winrates are not human winrates. They don’t need to be.

If you run a bot, it might not make Diamond 5 the first month, but it will eventually due to the bonus stars system. But it will NOT make Legend, ever. Period. Diamond 5-1 is where even the best built bots go to die.

You do know there is evidence to the contrary, right? People using bots have already stated as such on those forums. Not to mention, there are tons of posts from users stating they encounter the bots in legend ranks.

Your math and calculations are wrong.

For someone who likes to use data and research, it seems like you haven’t done a lick of research on the subject. A simple Google search on hearthstone botting programs brings you straight to those forums where they talk about the coding and getting to legend and sharing configurations. A simple Google search about bots reaching legend and in legend comes up with loads of reddit testimonies of people seeing them in legend, people saying they reach legend rank with them, streamers encountering the bots in legend, and even a pcgamer interview about talking to devs about bots getting into legend. Just classic mode alone that’s filled with bots at legend thread after thread is overwhelming. For crying out loud, there’s even pictures from botters themselves showing them getting to as high as Legend Rank 8-10 in wild with their botting program open.

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