How do blizzard go about nerf paladin

Paladin is still tier 1 after the Nerf and has the highest win rate in the game with the flood paladin at 60.93% and buff paladin at 59.61%.

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Wherever you are getting numbers from, stop trusting them and stop posting them. They are wrong.

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hsreply saying it for meta but start to think Warrior more of a problem with meta still.

If you don’t pay for subscription HSReplay meta is Bronze through Gold only. Worthless.


Stop bullying people on this forum. And for god sakes don’t shame someone for not paying a subscription fee for their data. You must really have a fragile ego.


I’m sorry if I gave that impression. No one should visit HSReplay ever, and in no case should anyone give them money.

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Came back after a month, same circus, same clowns :smile:

Agree… HSreplay free data are completely worthless and missleading… it includes only until Gold ranks… that is nothing… Removers need to be nerfed as soon as possible and still warrior… because everything is Highlander now… and not Paladin is the problem… Buy their Premium or don’t look at that website at all… the data you can find there for free is completely useless…

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Surely the bronze to gold data is relevant if those are the ranks you’re playing at?

Remember that last time they nerfed Paladin (Handbuff) it obliterated the deck. The fact that it’s at the top once more (after just over two months) indicates that the rot flows far deeper and more nerfs won’t stop this meta/expansion/game from spiraling the drain.

Last time:

Tigress Plushy

  • Old: [3 Mana]
  • New: [4 Mana]

Deputization Aura

  • Old: Your left-most minion has +3 Attack and Lifesteal. Lasts 3 turns.
  • New: Your left-most minion has +1 Attack and Lifesteal. Lasts 3 turns.


  • Old: [3 Mana] Give a minion Windfury and Divine Shield. Excavate a Treasure.
  • New: [2 Mana] Give a minion Divine Shield. Excavate a Treasure.

What else do you do here? Put Grimestreet Outfitter back to 1/1? Painter’s Virtue to 2 durability? Nerf Tigress Plushy to 5 mana and let it still be a better Zilliax 1.0?

IMO this isn’t even worth touching right now. Blizzard needs to actually repair the game because sitting in a TITANS/Badlands meta for 8 months in a row is the real problem here.

All of the late-game win conditions they’ve printed since TITANS launch have been so ridiculously anti-fun and anti-AgEnCy that they’ve had to nerf them all, so none of them are relevant anymore and Reno (also Brann still for some reason, just take that card out behind the shed for a redesign) is the only relevant late-game strategy.

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They already had a few cards hit, and while it’s still a strong deck, it’s not as oppressive as it used to be. Right now the big issues are the cheap charge minions they tend to buff up and use as finishers. 2 1-mana pirates with charge (usually buffed up into double figure damage) and Leroy are usually enough to finish any non-armored opponent even if you keep the paladin’s board clear. The other cards are mostly there to keep you occupied til they’re ready to whack you down and to buff up their other minions. I don’t think they really need a nerf, unless it’s a general nerf to charge minions (which Blizzard supposedly didn’t want in Standard, mind you). Why they brought charge minions back while also giving Paladins such powerful handbuff tools and auras is beyond me.

Small change, but I think the handbuff weapon not having lifesteal would make quite a bit of difference.

The usual lazy +1 mana cost after weeks of deliberation

Reno should either be 10 mana or a symmetrical effect (e.g, wipes both boards)
A powerful effect like that either needs to take your entire turn (and I mean entire) or needs to be symmetrical. Both would be too weak (see The Amazing Reno)

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