How bad are the new Whizbang decks!?

I know the answer already, and I wanted to say …,holy Moses these are unplayable. I’m 0-13 at bronze 10 with these experimental decks. I’ve been told they got a buff too! Man, they may be interesting but they stink!

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could be a piloting issue. Is there even a clear win condition in the deck(s)? What are they trying to achieve with the cards they have put in the deck? The card art is terrible, so i would imagine the card is as well.

IDK, besides aggro hunter, all my decks are nerfed and gutted so I cant really play anything else and expect to win semi-regularly


I’m not a high level player. Usually I get diamond 3 or 4. I’m decent enough to pilot the decks though. I think your comment about win conditions is important and a key factor as to why the decks are completely unplayable from a competitive standpoint.

Competitively… yes 9 astral automatons is utterly useless no matter how you draw it.
But the treasure deck seems OP no matter what it draws, Evil and Heroic decks are both draw order dependent on specific legendaries, double legendary deck either dies before it gets started or moves so fast the opponent can’t catch up, rainbow deck hilariously only ever seems to come out when fighting other deathknights. Triple quest always screws up on the overload quest. All that leaves are the RNG hell decks that are the morphing and discovery decks. I am aware of demon hunters and warlocks but I have legitimately never gotten them. So what’s the score then? 4/11 being useful? Possibly 6 or 8 for the outliers? I’m sure one of those percentage eggheads could tell you if you’re better off using Zayle or OG Whizbang or not.

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Whiz decks:

Shaman is garbage
Warrior is garbage
Druid - garbage
Death Knight - garbage

Paladin - struggling - if faced against plague DK - he shuts you down instantly

Priest - high roll - if you pull 5 Automations by turn 4 - you win

Rogue - decent but high roll, dependent on who match against, and specific treasures luck. I played self replicating dark iron dwarf and +3/+3 buff on turn 4 - opponent conceded instantly.

Mage - decent

Hunter - decent, but needs to high roll

Demon Hunter - really good, almost meta deck, very consistent

Warlock - really good, but if you faced vs reno/bran warrior - its game over, you just can’t win no matter what

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I haven’t had the DH or Warlock decks yet. I’ll keep plugging away. Mostly I get Druid or Two legendary hunter. Got my first win though, that’s a start.


It looks like Sharpshooter DH may be viable right now, even though no one seems to play it.

Sharpshooter DH

Sharpshooter Demon Hunte

Class: Demon Hunter

Format: Standard

Year of the Pegasus

2x (0) Through Fel and Flames

2x (1) Burning Heart

2x (1) Illidari Studies

2x (1) Miracle Salesman

2x (1) Oasis Outlaws

2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear

2x (2) Greedy Partner

2x (2) Instrument Tech

2x (2) Parched Desperado

2x (2) Wayward Sage

2x (4) Blindeye Sharpshooter

1x (4) Metamorphosis

2x (4) Umpire’s Grasp

2x (5) Momentum

2x (5) Window Shopper

1x (7) Argus, the Emerald Star


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

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Mage one is easy to beat basically all shifter zerus.

I face this one and think:

WTF is this? A fully demon deck with 0 cost perfect cards on top of that, this is insanely overpowered and come here to create a topic about it, but now I get it, it is the high roll of many bad ones, then it is fine.

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I think that at some point or another I’ve lost to each of those decks (and that’s before they were buffed). They’re all probably inconsistent and highrolly but a good player can definitely win with them. I’m currently at D2 and have surprisingly faced against several people playing whizbang at near legend and of course much more at the lower ranks during the climb. Props to them.

I might craft it and meme around with them after I reach legend and settle into my usual dumpster fun times :smiley:


I just met a priest with 4!!! astral automaton in hand + the astral copy card… yea… thats the first 4 turns… So the answer is… its garbage… but still broken as fu**…

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