How are Shamans being able to cast 2 copies of Shudderwok?

back to back? Seems this is a bit unfair and needs to be looked at. I just wish Blizzard would start balancing their game with common sense balances and not emotional balances.

Read Grumble, Earth shaker.

Also, Shudderwock Shaman was broken at one point. It was nerfed pretty hard and it’s now a meme deck at best.

Shudderwock is still useful in Control Shaman and some Murloc builds, but they don’t play it multiple times that I’ve seen

Shudderwok isn’t actually that good anymore. Now everyone is playing Ysera Morph Shaman… I’ve lost to it 4 times now, won once… and honestly, it was only because sometimes, only sometimes, morph doesn’t copy Ysera lmfao… but yeah…

Murloc Shaman is also really strong, make sure to kill off the underbelly angler every single time. That card is basically the meat of the deck! Do NOT ignore it :wink:

I never said it was good I was asking a question of how are the doing it.

Which I answered. With Grumble.