It is still crummy design that intentionally disallows WF to be used with the card.
Team 5 nerfed Spell mage to tier four and refused to give the only other existing mage deck practically anything.
Instead; they rebooted the entire class yet again, while other classes get to take advantage of multiple Year of the Phoenix card sets, making their existing decks exponentially better in every regard.
Team 5 has repeated this behavior for years now, and I can prove that as well.
I feel like this is partly my fault for agreeing with him. In Blizzard’s defense Celestalon did specifically use the wording FOR NOW when referring to the interaction with Wildfire. Changing interactions that would impact all Hero cards to fix one interaction is a big ask but they didn’t say it was off the table.
it´s not, the body should always enter before the battlecry resolves, otherwise sth like the frostnova elemental could not buff itself of the battlecry.
And should not be.
Sorry but it’s the same argument for never update deathstalker rexxar here and the later was even more complicated situation (because it’s was really impossible to sustain without livetime money support).
We should Just not give up and talk about It until It gets done.
But the hero power does not swap before the battlecry resolves, the body always does. Which is intended but unintuitive in this specific case. I’m saying that changing it for this one interaction would be a fair amount of work for one card and one specific interaction.
I’m not saying to give up or stop asking for the change I am just saying what was said in the tweet regarding the interaction. I can’t read minds, just context, and the words ‘for now’ generally means it is being looked into.
Here is the thing. Its not possible to compare the powerlevel of mechanics across all the classes. Lets take freeze for example. The reason it was a problem in mage was not freeze itself but that mage could freeze the board and burn you down from hand. Now shaman has freeze but he has no burn. He still depends on his board and the opponent can still protect himself with taunts/rush or removals even if his board is frozen. So yeah youre right that there are things mage lost and some other classes gained. You just have to understand that cards can be problematic in 1 class while not being problematic in another. So these nerfs were justified in most cases.
which is ridiculous, it obviously belongs to the hero, so either you get the portrait, the HP and the Armor asap or nothing at all.
This is an important change for game clarity and consistency, not just for the Mage.
It still feels like a slap in the face. Mage gets conditions that other classes do not have to endure.
I agree! Maybe my wording is muddying my point so I just want to make it clear that I am in favor of this change and lobbying for it. I was just clearing up the wording used when the interaction was commented on by Blizzard.
i am going to make a separate thread illustrating exactly what i have been describing about this game and how mage has had it’s playstyle rebooted repeatedly while other classes get to enjoy the synergy of three expansions worth of cards, just as soon as I can figure out the most efficient way of compiling the data.
It has happened this way since at least 2018.
Every card year mage has had its most powerful deck nerfed until it is weak(or weaker), and then; instead of the remaining deck that wasn’t ever powerful at all, getting buffed to compensate, the devs have gone a completely different direction, forcing mage to start all over in terms of synergy and power.
Meanwhile; other classes have three expansions worth of cards to combine and use in decks. I would love to know the reason for this as it has been true for at least three years.
I love the Magister Dawn Grasp class card for mage but I think it costs too much mana, it costs 8 mana it should be permanently changed too 5 mana. For a couple reasons 1: other classes have a cheap class card but mage doesn’t for example shaman and hunter both have 5 mana class cards. It isn’t fair to other classes that don’t have 5 mana class cards. 2: the battle cry of magister dawn grasp is already weak so it would balance things more. 3: the hero power you get is good and balanced but you can’t start utilizing it or using it until turn 8 so it is not worthwhile. I hope you will fix this so mage players can enjoy this card more.
Mage had the most OP deck like a month ago. If Team 5 hated Mages then Quest Mage would have never been released in such a powerful state.
The OP deck got nerfed, the class is struggling now, stuff like that happens, chill out.
When the Quest was nerfed the deck was already tier 3 and tier 4 in Legend …
What are you even talking about.
Those are aura effects. What is described on the Dawngrasp Hero card is not an aura effect.
When the entire meta revolved around countering it? Ya, that tends to know the dominant deck down a few tiers. Don’t talk down to people when you have no critical thinking skills.
Pardon me, but you are leaving out a pile of facts.
“mage had the most Op deck” Not true, not ever.
Spell Mage was never higher than tier two, and several decks were also tier 2 at the same time.
Said deck was also nerfed three times over the course of the expansion until both mage decks in tier were tier 4 or worse.
And? this is the same pattern that has been followed for three years.
You should do your homework.
Mage has been given, every year, a powerful deck that everyone complains about along with a mediocre deck that no one plays.
The powerful deck is nerfed repeatedly to unplayable, and the mediocre deck is ignored.
Then, when the next expansion for the year drops, both playstyles are abandoned, and mage is completely remade into a different playstyle that uses few to none
of the existing cards, and relies almost solely on one expansion to work.
But; every other class is running decks that are built with three expansions worth of cards that synergize with each other.
That’s the truth, and if you doubt me do your own research.
Team 5 has followed this pattern since at least 2018 where mage is concerned.
The best deck at that time was Aggro Druid a deck with a bad matchup against Quest Mage…
Any more lies???
Way to… cut the quote and completely miss the point.
If it’s any consolation, you also missed my point.
Imagine basing what’s correct solely on what the “authorities” tell you is so.