Hot Take - make the Mage hero Cost 3 and it´s still Trash

that’s possible. Let’s see. I tried using it in my Wildfire deck and had it lose the game for me because it overwrote my five damage HP and set me back to One and also overwrote the WF that it cast automatically.
I know I’m being glib, but the card is terrible compared to other classes.

well you should have known that the hero power overwrites WF

that’s because you don’t play the right cards, my dear. Try playing with ice barrier, fire sale, the mage weapon , shivering sorceress, siphon mana and the 2 mana weapon. All of theses cards alleviate the tempo issues a lot and benefit from the new arcane spell that fill your hand with big stuff.

But the cards’ effect should not be overwritten.
Overwriting the spells I have cast is fine, but the card effect should have cast Wf after the overwrite.
It’s really crummy design.

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And are these cards winning you many games? How many ? At which rank?
Also, dude, everybody is running the mage weapon. I’m sure you know you’r enot sating any secrets here, right? I tried this exact setup even before the expansion dropped. results in a lot of stall and nothing else.


yup they are winning me a lot of game at diamond ranks. Before i added these, the deck was just unplayable. By the way, I’m not trying to win a point against you, just sharing what works for me.

and now your polymorph turned into dmg your own board for 2 mana.

that´ll show them to misjudge a 8 mana card!

Yeah. Their idea of a fair mage card is destroy your own board for eight mana.
And no you can’t have frost nova. Its too good. that’s why We gave it to Shaman.
Or even better: Summon a snowman that does absolutely nothing on turn for three mana.

The hero power is poorly designed and extremely hard to proc without mass polymorph, but I think Mass Polymorph isn’t that great in current big spell builds.

I think the hero power is strong, but it also requires you to be EXTREMELY specific in what spell cards you’re including in a deck.

But I don’t even think they’re the worst hero or anything.

You mean ever? Or in this expansion because I think its easily the worst this release.

I think Rokara is worse probably. Or even Bru’kan.

…but I don’t think either of them are that bad either. If there was some way to proc Dawngrasp’s hero power they’d be solid honestly.


I agree. The issue is that it’s a self fulfilling prophecy. The deck keeps trying to stall through tempo in the erarly game, which means you need a card like Mass Polymorph, which means it gets stuck clogging up your hand.

Either you stall effectively and won’t need it, or you don’t and need it. But then you don’t get to ddraw.

The hero power is good, but you need, several, several turns for it to be bette rthan what wildfire get’s you. waiting for turn 10 to get a 2 mana 3 dmg is at the very least a bad strategy.


And the fact that you cannot use them together, in any capacity, makes the card even worse.

Not wanna be rude or anything but the way you talk i Just not believe you even tried to play It.

And in this case i really gonna go with the play It or your opnion means nothing attitude.
Because it’s a little too much.

And If you want an actual advice.

Not craft It. There is difference between not overpowered and a gigantic pile of trash.

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It’s more that Mass Poly has anti-synergy with Big Freeze and Flamestrike, and Big Freeze and Flamestrike are two of the biggest reasons to even run Dawngrasp.

The card sort of makes me think of Zul’jin tbh. Zul’jin was more about the big swing turn and less about the hero power.

I’m literally using it right now. It’s the best card in the deck.

I agree here Warrior has other countless better things to do before you play her.
Its no question the most boring hero so some reason Warrior hero cards are always meh.

thing is, both have zero restrictions on deckbuilding
and bru kan is just adding a ton of value unconditionally´, perfekt for control shaman archetypes
While Rokara just flat out has a great hero power and weapon to close out games fo rany sort of warrior build.

While our Mage friend can´t even bring himself to at least target enemies only for all the pre existing conditions he has to to anything at all.

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yeah mage just destroys your entire board and makes you start all over. Kind of like what team 5 does to mage every other full expansion.

Any spell you wanna cast off Dawngrasp doesn’t actually need to favour enemy targets.

Arcane Overflow, Deep Freeze, Mask of C’thun, Flamestrike, Arcane Brilliance. Targeting priority doesn’t matter.