Anyone else annoyed by dishonorable players? Scenario 1: They have the win, but use overkill on your character. Scenario 2: They have a chance to do exact damage for a win and make it an honorable death, but use overkill. Scenario 3: They have the win, but draw it out to play as many cards as possible. (All the above are annoying to me when my play is to try to give an honorable death.)
I don’t care about “honor”. It’s more about respecting the time of the opponent.
So the only players, that do not annoy you are those, who use exact lethal? And why would you consider that an honorable death? Well, each to their own.
The only players, that annoy me, are those who wait to the last moment, to kill me , or even draw it out another round.
Always remember that the only two things your opponent owes you, is a) not actually cheating and b) not throwing verbal abuse or threats in text messages.
And those two things are also the only things you owe your opponent.
Disconnecting, conceding, taking every possible second of every turn, using emotes, not taking an obvious lethal, setting up a 5 million damage overkill, playing a deck that will get nerfed tomorrow and so on are all allowed.
You’re free to concede if you feel like the opponent is wasting your time or being rude with emotes/wasteful actions. Or any other reason you can think of, like using a hero skin you despise.
The game doesn’t reward some nebulous “honor” that is defined differently by each player, it rewards winning.
You haven’t mentionned if they start their turn with you having the information that they have lethal.
If you end your turn while your know your opponent has lethal, you openly invite them to do unnecessary plays. If you knew they had lethal you could have just coneded, saving both of you some time.
If I feel like letting my opponent have fun I end my turn and let them play do whatever they want. That sometimes leads to the both of us skipping some turns to do stupid things.
If my opponent has 5 hp and my board can obviously deal 10 damage ot them, I will have no shame to play cards from my hand to kill some of my stuff or anything else.
Also remember that the game goes beyond the actual game between you and your opponent.
For quests and achievments you are pushed to BM.
When I have the “spend 500 mana” quest, you can be sure that I will use my irrelevant 8 mana card before killing them with my 2 mana burst
There’s also the unspoken respect for acheivement hunters. Every fool that conceeds while the Wheel of Yogg is spinning is abother fool denying them the “kill your opponent with a mustached card specifically” achievement somewhere
Is that true ?
If the wheel is spinning then it has already been played, so already been resolved server side.
If the wheel was to have killed them, they would have gotten the achievement anyway. Most likely they would receive the achievement right after playing the card, spoiling them the outcome.