I was in a game vs a Rogue and before losing I decided to go for an Honourable Kill on their generated Rat King. Battlecry triggered dealing 1 damage and killed one of his Kings which was at 1 hp. I don’t get the achievement even if conditions were met. I don’t know if it’s linked to the King’s ability to return forever and going dormant or it’s an overall issue with Achievements in Alterac Valley but I wish to know and get credit if dued.
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Only works with 1-hp legendaries like Patches. Got it first try.
Must kill full hp minion
I just made a post about this too. I honorably killed a scabbs, and it didn’t go off.
Yes. Works with Patcha. I used Silas, patcha, hollow abomination. Use ROD or Emperor to reduce cost. Play patcha, Silas, Abomination.