HOF: Reminder to craft cards

Hi guys, remember that tomorrow the card rotation happens with several cards rotating into the HOF, they are as follows

Divine Favor
Baku the Mooneater
Genn Greymane
Gloom Stag
Black Cat
Glitter Moth
Murkspark Eel

To maximise dust craft any cards that you do not in the list as you will be refunded the full dust amount.

If you do not have the card already I would craft the card in golden for a healthy profit!


Maybe I’m not very smart, but

craft golden baku
get refund from golden baku

how do you get a healthy profit?

When you disenchant your golden Baku, you get another 1600 dust, because you can keep all the HoF cards after the rotation.

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Because you still have a golden Baku. That you can either keep, or nuke for 1600 dust.


so they give you the dust, but don’t disenchant your card so you can then disenchant it for the dust ontop?

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You craft the card, you receive HoF dust, you dust it off for 25-50% dust value.

Of course, if you keep the card, there’s no profit involved and your sum total ends up being 0 lost or gained, least until you nuke it.

just spent 15k dust hope this is right ><

I did this last time. Post here after for future generations to learn from our secrets lol.

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To be clear, don’t craft a golden Leg to do this if you already have one, unless you just want the golden one because you will NOT receive the Hof refund for more copies of a card than you could put in your deck (it will prioritize golden over basic though).

There’s a long reddit page somewhere with pages of people trying to understand this because it’s hard to put faith in something like this lol.


Awesome PSA. THANKS,

One oddity - crafting has been disabled for me since the last patch. I assumed it was a global push but I’m now sensing it is a bug. Is this an issue for anyone else?

Do anyone know when this will happen today?

Here ya go, bud.


thank you man
appreciate it

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