Hit Bgs rank 5500

Hit 5500. All of the sudden (this was about a week ago) I have zero luck. I never high roll and my matches are always filled with two or 3 players who seem to high roll every turn. I’ve beens ruck at 5500 since.

Im not complaining. Streaks happen. I’m just wondering if all of these high roll combos are really needed in bgs. I understand the mode is about luck and playing the best you can with what you get. It just seems like high rolling is a lot easier for Soke players than it is for others and it makes for feels bad matches.

Nothing like getting what you think is a grwat setup only to be smashed from 20+ health to dead by someone who just happened to high roll into 700/700 murlocs, Quillboars or Naga.

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You’re totally complaining.

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If you’re playing BGs, you absolutely must get used to the fact that in every single lobby, one or more players will highroll, and often it won’t be you!


I wasn’t complaining. Just stating a fact.

@worried This is true. I understand that it just feels like I hit 5500 and any luck I had before was just gone.

Keep in mind that you should be keeping track of other players builds or at least what tribe they are currently showing as. You also need to be drafting counter cards for later in the game and not just for your current build as you play each round.

There’s other little things you should be doing as well but you aren’t even at 6K yet so you are still in the very early learning stages of BG’s. Keep at it and change up and/or learn different play patterns.

Well due to how the game functions, you can go until turn 10 and still only face 3/7 living players in the game.
The panel on the side “tracking” builds isnt dependable either, as “multiple types” is a thing, and it not tracking “artificial” goldens, only minion triples, of which are not removed from the counter ones sold either.


And if I’m your teammate, when you do high roll, you can guarantee someone else high rolled higher than you’ve ever seen before so your high roll doesn’t matter.

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You can still have a good idea and if you are using an addon it will give you an even better idea. I am curious though. Are you saying only 3 out of 10 players are humans and the rest are bots?

None of this helps the OP become a better player.

The trick is to identify the high roller and be drafting further ahead so when you do face them later you can switch to a counter build. The build you are playing should be sufficient enough to carry you in the game till you get to that point with little disruption to your plan. This is very important in the current meta where Tribe strength is king and correct HP synergy needs to be identified quickly.

IF we are talking Duos though it plays out a bit differently and you need to be coming up with a plan together early on to counter this build faster. That’s where i think Duos fails miserably because unless they are on coms with you or sitting next to you. The chances you can communicate such a plan fast enough is extremely difficult.

The problem with this is that counters don’t work the same way in duos. You always fight the same person first and your partner always fights the same person first. It never changes. Ever.

So you can’t really counter their board correctly if you are not the one facing them first.

And if your board is tribe A and the person you are fighting is tribe A, but they somehow got an earlier jump on the tribe than you, there’s nothing you can do. You can’t ditch your entire board because you will never catch up to them with a brand new tribe and you can’t win by continuing to scale your current scale. And any counter you would have, they can also have.

A prime example is beasts. If you are beasts and your opponent is beasts, but they got their Trigore 3 turns earlier than you, you simply won’t outscale it. By the time yours is 100/100 theirs will be at 200/200.

In all my games in Duos, once someone gets a tribe and is scaling and is scaling ahead of you, you’ll never win. Never. You can’t catch them. You just shoot for 2nd place. Thus, I get 2nd place something like 70% of all my games.

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How tf did you extract that assumption from my post?
By living players, I mean players still in the game, not ghosts/KO’d

And “becoming a better player” wasnt what OP was talking about with the OP post either, but pointing out MM has gone awful especially lately.
Ive noticed the same weird MM having gone to really extremes ever since the Duo patch started

I wasn’t sure if you were saying that or not because the conspiracy theorist on these forums have more than once screamed at the top of their lungs that BG’s is nothing but BOTS.

Im not denying bots existing in BG, and Blizz has stated they still are in there, but there are still plenty players there as well.

Tho not remotely the point of my original message

I wasn’t going to go into a long post about Duos but yes that game plays vastly different in duos and an early high roll comp can be back breaking unless you are both looking and drafting counters to those builds if they are super high rolls. I think for the most part that doesn’t happen any longer though. The last patch dropped the ability of QB’s to do this and a few other tribes moved up in power. Even Elementals being so good cannot get the kind of power an old QB build produced. Beasts are perfectly acceptable since you cannot hide the important minions for beasts and longer. Sure lasher gets huge health but it’s not scaling any real meaningful attack from the buffing minions. I’m okay with beasts and they are pretty mid as far as tribes go.

I still think we need to have the old Undead/Murloc back in the mix for added scam against big minion builds. Literally no reason not to have this minion especially with undead needing to high roll very early to get any serious build going.

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I’m not sure what you mean. Trigore now scales health at the same rate as attack. It’s no longer just an attack buff. Trigore gets massive now. 200/200 is extremely common at around turn 9-10 and that’s assuming it’s not a golden.

I agree. Undead and Murloc need a little nudge. Undead needs the tier 4 buff to drop to Tier 3. Murlocs need some change to the way summoning goes from in hand. Bassgill should go back to highest health minion instead of just murloc.

What i mean is that it is only getting the +1/+1 but it’s not benefiting from the massive health buffs beasts get overall unless you have a full combo with the rest of the tier 5 beasts but that isn’t nearly as common. Elementals scale way faster and quicker from tier 3. It’s not uncommon to have huge elementals as you get into tier 6 with them right now.

A beast build that would get rolling that fast would need to be a high tier roll into a luck lasher extremely early in a match. That’s pretty much all tribes at this point outside of elementals starting on 3.

Gotcha. I know Duos and Solo are very different in terms of what is strong. Duos isn’t about if a tribe can high roll, because if you aim for it you absolutely can. It’s more about what scales and high rolls faster. You will rarely see anyone in Duos high rolling elementals. You will see beasts/battlecry quilboar/naga high rolling like crazy now. Beasts are pretty much a guarantee. SOMEONE is going to have Trigore early and it will be the reason some team gets 3rd/4th. There’s no way to stop it. It might not get 1st all the time like a high rolling quilboar do, but it’s almost certainly getting you 2nd.

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I haven’t played in like 2 weeks almost now. I assumed the changes would slow down duos a bit. I guess i was wrong. At this point if i was the design team i would just balance duos different than solo BG’s. I doubt they have the resources to do that though. More likely they just let the format languish and become a format players move away from. I know most of the big BG players are back to solos exclusive at this point. This is probably why. Very sad because it could be a good format with the right adjustments.


Yeah, passing is such a huge advantage for Duos. It makes tribe completion so stupidly easy. Not to mention the extra spells.

They probably thought they could balance the mode because it would somewhat mimic Solo. They could just take the easy way out and adjust health and armor and be done with it that way. But that’s such a band aid fix.

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I REALLY hope they didn’t think that. That would be an awful look on them to think a game that plays far different than solo duos should be balanced in the same way. They really should spin off BG’s solo and duos to it’s own platform and start from the ground up. Duos should have 2 more teams in the format at minimum. To my mind it should be 8 teams and 16 players but i could compromise at 6 teams. That way fights would be more diversified by teams. There should also be some bot player that can take over when someone on a team quits.

Mechanically i think passing should have an increasing resource cost attached to it. Maybe even experiment with it being quads instead of triples to gain golden. Passing is an interesting idea but it breaks the fundamentals of BG’s. Realistically this won’t happen so the only true answer is create better minion pools that can combat specific build types. Testing the game would help but again that’s asking too much.

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