Heroic Brawliseum

Just finished at 10-3. Rewards definitely worth it if u can get that high. Just frustrated I didn’t get to 12.

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I can only imagine how many 12 wins would have been had before the nerfs with DH. The whole thing would have probably been DH vs DH.

Imagine using curse lock just to see 3 quest hunter in a row :slight_smile:

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This is a way to drain the gold out of people before releasing the mini set.

Don’t fall for it.


Not me. I only play drunk. I am currently traveling, and although drunk pretty much all the time, not going there.

You talked me into it.

Blizzard cast Gold Drain! It’s super effective!


would it be “too much” if the first run was free?
It’s once a year after all…


It should be, absolutely ridiculous if you ask me.

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apart from draining your gold, what’s even the point?

not in a gazillion years :see_no_evil:

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Hey, Blizzard! You want to improve the game? ABOLISH Heroic Brawliseum is a good start!


I’m sure they’ll eventually make it direct purchase if a lot of people don’t participate in the brawl.

Oh it’s a necro.

They won’t because the whole point of the Heroic Brawl is to try to get people to burn their gold reserves just before a mini set is released. Making it money only playable will actually kill off anyone playing except for maybe streamers who basically get paid to pay money in these games.


Came here to say this

It’s an event a very small % of people will garner actual value from thus burning their gold they could use for the upcoming mini-set, which I’m guessing we’ll see an announcement for in less than a week.

Went in with Pure Paladin, got three commanding wins in a row, and got out with the DK portrait. Evolve shaman, shockspitter hunter, and big spell mage all went down on either turn 7 or turn 8 depending on when I played Countess.

Curvestone is great…

This. It’s a scam: buy the packs directly and don’t play their illegal casino game this week! Report it to your country’s authorities.