Heroic brawl quest is interesting

Still won’t get me to play – just like I build an Arena deck and then retire not worth the frustration(s).

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im sure you know that wasnt because of the skins the complains were about losing the weekly pack from the tavern brawl

that isnt an issue anymore

and we had several skins so far for 1000 gold the ones they sell for 1500 are the ones we got from pore orders like lady vashj

so paying 1000 gold to gett his skin is no different than spending 1000 gold to get maiev whenw as at the store

I want to know why i cannot reroll it? Is it bugged or something?

its a special quest, extra 4th slot

It is typical Activi$ion Bli$$ard trying to milk their players for all they are worth type of design.

thats a quote right ?

is one of the ridiculous thing people say in this forum

is funny isnt it we had people asking for skins we can get spending gold and now they did it
i find it funny to read
is pretty much this
" let us buy skins with gold!" followed by " letting us buy skins with gold is baaad design!"

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As usual, you are on the slow bus to conclusion-ville. It isn’t about buying it with gold, it is about how they gated it behind some RNG mechanic to milk as much gold as possible.

Are you a paid actor? Cause no one can purposefully be this slow.

1000 is the max you need to spend, no milking needed

spend 1000, lose 3 games, get a basic reward plus a cool skin for a class that has very few

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i really like collecting portraits when i can. i dont like the prices for them in the shop but whenever i can collect the free ones or ones that i like for gold im all in

unfortunately i cant afford to spend actual money on hearthstone anymore so i need to hold on to all the gold i can for mini sets. i wish theyd allow at least one tavern ticket to be used to enter the heroic brawl. that would be really cool


what rng ? there is no rng involved

are you playing on another language ? it wouldnt be the first time there is an error in translation

change language to english and youll see the quest needs for you to play not win

I hate they always host this brawl just before the new mini set.


It’s straight up gambling. It is a difficult mode because people are that much more tryharding if they are going for the 12 win skin.

I’m not judging by the way. If you want to spend 1k gold for the 3 play get the first skin and/or go for the 12 win skin, go for it if its truly worth the investment for YOU. However, I will say (maybe more so for the 12 win skin), this is a mode designed to get you to drain your gold for the mini-set and/or entice you enough (get you addicted) to try for the skin.

Oh you got to five wins, not bad and some decent rewards, I’ll revinvest. Oh, only three wins this time and just a few gold short, I’ll just buy in with real money this time, surely this’ll be it. And over and over… Of course this is a hypothetical scenario, but it is the one they are hoping happens.

Also, this is not out of anger for what this company has become; merely a cautionary what-have-you to my fellow players.


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I always have dozens of “Tickets” stored up since I never play arena or any mode that uses them. Can I use one of those tickets for a free play and then concede my three game for the skin?

1000 gold for a skin is not a bad deal. I have not participated before but will do it this time.

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Lazy Idiot here:

  1. What is this quest?
  2. What do I get if I complete it?
  3. Should I bother?
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Heroic Brawl legendary quest. Should be a 4th option in your weeklies. Pay 1000 gold to enter heroic brawl. Play 3 games get Lego skin. Get 12 wins, get Uber Lego skin.

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Can I use a “Ticket” for this? You know… those free Arena Tickets (also works for Heroic duels I think).

I do not think so. This is a special brawl (standard arena run essentially) and tickets do not work afaik.

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Boo. Boo, Blizzard. Boooooooooo!!! BOOOOOOOOOO!!!1!!!1!!eleventyone!!!


i got 4 packs, 120 gold,125 dust

and a really cool DK skin, for only 1kg

not bad not bad