Hero Power pick in Heroic Duels is broken, making people waste gold

Hero Power pick in duels doesn’t work at all. At least for me it doesn’t. First I picked the passive hero power as a Rogue and got the default one. I was just like “Well, I just looked wrong and picked the wrong one”. But next run I paid close attention to pick the right one as a Hunter, the deathrattle one. It was showing that I picked it the whole time until I started a game and had the default hero power. I just wasted 300 gold on this bug, be aware of it, this is very upsetting.


This same problem happened to me when I picked Archwitch Willow, twice. THe first time i selected a different power and when the first match started it reverted back to the default power. I brushed it off and tried again another time after my first duel run, and the same thing happened. I also wasted 300 gold, and would like for support to reimburse me a portion of this as well as fix this problem :frowning:

it’s broken in casual duels as well

I have the same problem. Figured I miss-clicked the first time around, paid more attention the second time, and documented the problem in a word document on the third attempt. Is there a way to attach documents to this forum?

I too am looking for a reimbursement of 450 gold once this is fixed…

My ticket: Duals Hero Power Selection Not Working


Same issue here and also spent 450 gold.

Same problem, 300 gold wasted… super frustrating


Yeah just wasted 300 as well building decks that dont work with my hero power at all first time having an issue with hearthstone are they good about refunds?

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same. picked gifts of the legion, got summoning portal …

Same bug as you guys… But I stoped after the 1st bug. It would be cool to be paid back at least.

Me too, jesus. I bought one duels ticket and i wast completly wasted. Then another time (because i thaught was an glitch or something) and another 150 gold wasted

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Same here. Wasted 300 gold in this. I thought that I misclicked the first time, retired and entered duels again. I am also expecting a 300 gold refund.

This is some serious bullcrap Blizzard and you MUST be aware of the issue at this point and there still is no warning.

Real bullcrap.

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The same for me with shaman. I ve picked twice the 2nd hero power. I ve wasted 300 gold…

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Same, DH & rogue 0-3, -300g, tnx

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Same here with rogue, twice in a row, wasting 300g …

Today, about an hour ago, I started a heroic duels run. I chose the hunter, a hero power #2 and a treasure #2. When the first match started I had t he #1 hero power and #1 treasure. I started thinking that maybe I was wrong so, I played it out and after the match it was indeed #1 and #1. So, expectedly I ended the run with 1 win and 3 looses. I started another heroic duels run after that and started deck tracker to be sure. The same thing happened. The hero power and treasures got swapped again. The run is in progress atm.

It’s pretty much the same as everyone else. Sad day, you should try to warn people somewhere. I only found this thread after already suffering the effects. I imagine most people will find out the same way.

It doesn’t just affect Hero powers but also your items like Bonecrushing bunny. I think it has to do with disenchanting epic cards in my opinion. I had similiar problem before patch, but with Hero powers and items were locked, even tho later I crafted all necessary epics.

Same here, with priest. I picked the first hero power with success, and tought I picked droplet of insanity… And then, during first game, even if the card list showed me the good treasure, I ended with Fractured Spirit in both unranked games I started.

Looks like whatever you pick, you go with first hero power and first treasure of all class.

Yes, so annoying.

I have the same problem, i picked hunter first and i thought it was my mistake after that i took rogue and had the same problem, i realized i picked the new hero power (unlocked yesterday) and still couldnt played with them because always go to default hero power after two tickets and 300 gold.

Same here. Two 0-3 runs, -300g. During the runs I faced decks that had the 2nd hero power + treasure. And still no acknowledgment of the fact by Blizzard or any statement on how we will be refunded. I am expecting at least some tavern tickets as a refund after the bug is fixed.