Hero ability of A.F.Karla

The hero ability of A.F.Karla is incorrect in Battlegrounds or the German translation.
According to the description, the first 2 moves should be skipped, but the 2 moves are suspended. Is this a translation error or is the mechanic faulty?


What do you mean exactly

I think there is a difference between skipping and suspending. It becomes clearer when you apply the wording to an example:

If I skip a grade at school, I directly participate in the further course without being suspended for a period of time.

In my point of view, the technical implementation of the skill needs be changed or the misleading wording.

What is it you expect to be able to do during a turn in battlegrounds which is skipped?


Maybe upgrading or that I will not take part in the first fights.
there may also be more options that I can’t see at the moment.

You are skipping the 2 turns 99.9%

You will not fight
you will not buy

But you can freeze

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So, in English, her name is A. F. Kay (AFK) which is a joke as being AFK is being “away from keyboard,” meaning that you are in the game but not doing anything.

The German translations have been pretty bad recently, but I don’t know enough about the language to know if this is one of those times

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That’s right, I can’t buy, I can freeze and I can’t fight, but I will take part in fights.
And me participating in fights without doing anything is suspending, not skipping, in my view.

It’s also true that her name is actually ‘AFK’, I didn’t see that :smiley: .
But that has nothing to do with her skill or the description of it.

So the question would still be which of the two would have to be adjusted or whether a Blizzard employee ‘who also has the last word’ sees it completely differently.
Therefore, we can talk and talk and talk here, nothing will happen.

It’s a pity that Blizzard no longer accepts real tickets, but only these forum posts…

There is no talk

There is only how she works

If you dont agree with it, too bad

This is not a bug, working as intended

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As already mentioned, let’s see what a Blizzard employee has to say.
This is just a ticket, expressing our views to each other is not useful here.
So let’s put aside any toxic or similar behaviour and wait for a real contribution.

Since I’m german I looked at the translations of the heros.

In the english version the word “skip” is used both for AFK and Faelin who has an similar hero ability.

In the german version AFK uses “überspringt” which translates to “skip” in this context.

Faelin however uses “passt” which means “to pass/to fold”.

So the translation of AFK can be interpreted in a way that the effect could have an different effect than the one Faelin has.

So it’s not a bug but the translation could be a bit more consistent.


its not

they wont say anything here

we are about as real as your gonna get