Help a newbie playing a bit before SL

I want to play a bit before SL, and I’m a bit lost.

1)Is there any strategy to gather dust beyond disenchant duplicate ? Can you disenchant non duplicates of class you don’t play ?

2)If I want a Uldum card, should I try to pay for chapters of solo adventures or purchase single packs ?

(I don’t want to spend a single real life dollar on cards-too afraid it would open a valve…)

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If you want to play between classes, don’t disenchant anything beyond duplicates, any unnerfed cards you find OP you can keep it and it might be nerfed and you can disenchant it in full dust. Play 30 minutes a day to save up Gold, and you can open up 50+ packs for the next expansion.

You can sometimes get dust in Arena, but it’s not a significant source.

You can disenchant whatever cards you want, regardless of whether you have duplicates. But remember you are not likely to open those cards again because of duplicate protection, so be careful.

The best collection strategy is:

  1. Open packs, one at a time, until you hit a Legendary, and switch to another expansion until you have one for all Standard expansions.
  2. Open ~55 packs of all Phoenix sets (AoO, SA, and the upcoming December expansion), they rotate out one year later than Dragon sets.
  3. NOW you can shift from eager consumption and start to save gold. You should split your gold between savings and zeroing out your Legendary pity timer (40 packs max to get a Legendary card) on the Phoenix sets.
  4. Fully shift to hoarding all gold and dumping it into the next expansion on day one.

This should be completed by the December 2021 expansion.

Aggressive decks are pretty cheap and easier to learn like face hunter