Helm of humiliation doesn't make AmanThul disappear

Helm of humiliation set the attack of my opponent’s AmanThul to 0 and Amateur Puppeteer to 0 and they were kept in the battlefield, where I think in both cases the attack of those minions should be reduced to less than 0 and they should disappear from the battlefield. Is there any particular setting for helm of humiliation? Because I noticed that whenever a minion’s health is reduced to less than 0, it was kicked out. So I think when a minion’s attack is less than 0, it should do the same. However, 0 attack minion was kept in the battlefield and my opponent could still trigger AmanThul’s power. Is this right?

Why should a 0 attack minion be removed from the battlefield ?
It exists minions that have 0 attack at base value
There are cards that specifically destroy 0 attack minions but that’s it. The only base rule is if a minion reach 0 or negative health, it dies, but nothing related to their attack value.

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But when helm of humiliation is applied on AmanThul, AmanThual should have negative attack instead of 0 attack. Why was it shown as 0 attack minion? I know there are some neutral cards that are 0 attack minions and they can be played on the battlefield. But in this case, we got -2 attack AmanThual and I don’t understand why it was kept on the battlefield.

there is no negative atk values, 0 is the lowest it goes

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Negative attacks just default to 0
But even if a negative attack existed in the game.
Why would that make the minion disappear ?

Blood imp exists and so do other 0 attack cards. They don’t die or disappear.

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what doestroys a minion is health becoming 0 not att

Thank you all for the replies. I can understand the rules now.

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