Heistbaron Togwaggle interaction bug

When shuffled soul fragments in your deck as rogue then use togwaggle’s wondrous wand and if you hit soul fragment drawn, subsequent cards wont get discounted to 0. Also wont give you three cards, you will ended up drawing 2 non- discounted cards if not drawn second or last.

the fragments are drawn by wand and gets reduced to 0, their cast when drawn then trigger and draws a card, the card drawn by fragment is not drawn by wand and is therefore not reduced

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That may be what’s happening, yes, but that doesn’t mean it is the correct behavior. Since you never have to pay the mana cost of a Cast When Drawn card, the discount should not be applied to them and it should be applied to the three cards that actually move into your hand.

i suggest you search for “skull of guldan” in this forum, its the same interaction and the question hasn been asked likely 100+ times and the answer given is the same every time.

wand/skull etc doesnt care if the card went to hand or not, all it cares about is that you drew it and the fragment was drawn and per wands effect also reduced. since the other card is drawn by the fragment it would make 0 sense to have wand reduce it since it wasnt drawn by wand.

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Yeah, and I still think that the Eye Beam Outcast mana cost overwriting the Skull of Guldan discount or applying to Cast When Drawn cards is equally broken.

Cast When Drawn cards should be ignored by any discount mechanics, and the discount from Skull should take priority over the Outcast discount on Eye Beam. But they have a few different interactions along these lines and don’t seem to think that it’s a bug, even if many (most?) players disagree.

this is a bug report forum, if you want to discuss card design you should head over to the community forum. the interaction is consistent with all similar interactions, so its not a bug regardless if you agree or not.

but it is "cast when drawn "draws a card and since it doesnt have the effect to discount a card cost …it doesnt

Well card drawn after soul fragment is another interaction it should continue drawing with wand. Like dream portals. It wont stop till hits a real card and it is also cast when drawn card

It wand does continue…after the Cast When Drawn effect on the Soul Fragment finishes resolving.

That does not change the fact that the card drawn after the fragment was not drawn by the wand, and is ineligible for the discount.

This isn’t a bug. You not liking it doesn’t change that. If you want to argue about the interaction, use the discussion forums. It does not belong in bug report.